Chapter Twenty

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Rage was a funny thing. Majestic he stood tall for a full minute with his head raised, not to howl but to scan the battleground. He needed to spot his allies and avoid them because he was about to lose control any second. For the third time now a whip had landed harshly on his back and he had refrained from letting lose a single sound. He was tensed and in perfect control and with infinite dignity he turned around in a circle to observe the enemy that were all gathered around him; watching and waiting for him to make a move. They wanted to taunt him for a while. He wasn’t even sure if they wanted him dead, for sure he knew he would make a good test subject for breeding.

                He couldn’t observe all day though and as a stone hit the tip of his ear he snarled once and lunged forward. His claws unsheathed and he displayed them proudly before pushing them down in to the shoulders of the wolf infront of him. His own lunge took him to the floor, cushioned by the enemy though, he continued only to drag his claws through the flesh and lean down to bite at its neck; subduing it by raking his back legs down the belly of the fallen wolf underneath him.

                Wolves all around him pounced and he felt their teeth but not the pain. He was so furious at the turn of events with Christopher going missing. Why did he have to turn up half dead on the battle field? Tim felt his heart in his mouth; he should have checked, he should have had Tommy scout for him. He should have double checked every single inch of the compound looking for his nephew… but no. He had been so preoccupied that his nephew didn’t like him anymore that he had, instead, compromised Christopher’s safety. He felt the teeth biting his legs but he bore, took it without flinching and instead kicked back. Three wolves tried to pin him but the adrenaline pumping into his muscle kept him strong. It kept his mind constantly on alert and he held his ground, pushed back and went directly for the heart whenever a wolf came near him. He may have been outnumbered but he was ferocious!


At the back of the buildings Aliysha was witness to one of his men falling. There was no bending of the legs when his man fell either; it was a stunned fall and the harsh impact was cringing. Aliysha wanted to look away but he owed his pack member more than a cowardly glance in another direction. He owed them his help but at that moment he was struggling. Overcome with wolves all running and hitting into his legs, like a stone pillars used to ram against a locked door, they were trying to tip him. They beat him with whips and sticks and threw stones. His legs were riddled now with bullet holes. He knew that at any moment he too would fall, just like the wolf from his pack. His thick muscles and large statue only helped so much and right at that moment he felt as if it simply wasn’t enough.

                The wolves all around him were smirking, his little pack of specialised wolves had no way to call for help or back up. At the back of everything their role was to be a surprise and they had been… for the first half hour anyway, until it had become common knowledge that their mutated selves were hiding in wait. Then they had been surrounded and as far as Aliysha could see every other wolf out on the stoned compound was also outnumber. If he called for help it would be pointless and maybe even selfish, everyone was under extreme threat and he couldn’t expect any of them to come to his aid when they too needed aid and he wasn’t able to get to them.

                So this was the harsh reality of a war. Not just a battle but a full on war that was brutal, unfair and riddled with disaster. He looked around at all his men and he felt a pang of sadness wash over him. His men: he had trained them, fought with them and guided them through the world for the last couple of decades. He had come to love everyone of them and they were a strong community because of it. He had never found his mate and right at that moment he was glad, for it would hurt so much more if he knew he would be losing them at the end of this as well. In the corner of his eye he saw the familiar body of Tim. And Tim was going at it like crazy, if he didn’t know better he would have thought Tim had lost it. But he did know better and he knew no matter what, Tim would keep his head. He hadn’t seen Myco for a while and that worried him. Myco was one to constantly check on people and he missed not seeing his former Alpha.

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