Chapter Fifteen

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His new pack members looked rather wild. Their hair was long, neck length and messed up in tangles that looked as if a comb would simply get stuck there. Their clothes were worn and dirty but looked durable. And they wore boots. They all were carefully looking around the dining room, testing the food a little bit before shovelling great mouthfuls down as if they hadn’t eaten in a while. Yet they were all big men, they must have been eating fairly well to keep the muscles as big as they were but then again Tim was assessing his own wolf. Sometimes instinct was more prominent than actual health. He would have to question them on that, already thinking of their health.

                He wondered at their names, and how on earth he would remember them all. His older pack members were eying up the new additions with slight trepidation and intrigue. He was pleased they weren’t fighting with each other but then again they had all been forced to go rogue so maybe they would bond very well. He felt the bond of an alpha over his pack in the new members already. Acceptance had brought about swift consequences and he was drawn to the newer members; he wanted to talk with them and get to know them and assess their abilities. There would be plenty of time to get to know their abilities in the coming weeks though so he wasn’t overly worried about that bit.

                He ate his own meal sat with Tendra, Ray, Myco, Aliysha and of course Lebon. The alphas all together must have looked impressive; as the biggest of all the wolves they were the most threatening in any form. And Tim really had filled out in the years of isolation. Those who knew him from before still could not believe how big he had gotten and that innocent teenager asking for training now seemed a rather distant memory.

“Where is Christopher?”

“He wouldn’t come in while Tim was here.” Myco said lifting the spoon to his lips, “Sorry Tim. You have your work cut out there.”

“I expected it, it’s alright.”

                The truth was stark and he glanced around the room, mostly the wolves around were eating happily and chatting away but as he looked around he did notice the hate filled glances of others. Seems he had some making up to. As it was the wolves were crushing into the dining room, some sat in groups on the floor, other crammed on benches around tables and more yet stood in the corners or by the walls just trying to be in the room and eat. Some had even grabbed huge platefuls and left because there simply wasn’t enough space.

“I built my own house by the way,” He started. “If you ever need any help in building extra room for the packs let me know. I’m handy with tools.”

“At the end of this we may take you up on that offer. The compound is filled with many houses for but this is the safest house and we really could do with extending it.”

                Tim himself was thinking about the tools in his garage and debating with himself. Tommy was under the impression that they could use his tools as weapons. He on the other hand was sickened at the brutality that would insight. Hammers and screwdrivers had no place on a battlefield. He was an honourable wolf and it sent shivers through his very blood and bones to hear such talk.

“I may own a garage but I don’t want the use of tools on the battlefield.”

“Your mercy Tim will not be shown by those that come at you.” Was Ray’s answer. Tommy hurriedly came over to them and sat down after eavesdropping.

“It won’t. Best to have back ups.” He said settling on a chair.

“It’s barbaric.” Tim persisted.

                Myco put down his spoon and looked up at him. “The battle you saw as a child Tim was a coward’s battle as well. They carried whips and chains and rope. Lebon’s pack can wield choice weapons as well. That is what we must do now; the enemy love their wolf form but they want extra, they want to be able to feel that power in human form as well.”

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