Chapter Nine

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He gazed up at the alpha’s face and was shocked to see a stubble there that looked uncared for. Lines edged Ray face that hadn’t been there when last Tim had looked. Streaks of grey filtered through his hair as well now and despite him still looking so very powerful and having so much muscle there was an edge of tiredness to his body that Tim had not seen on him before.

                Ray’s eyes flashed and that tiredness disappeared, he looked stern, he looked furious. The lines on his face only added to that effect. Tim would have coward as a child at that face and he expect Ray to reach out and slap him or physically reprimand him in some way. He didn’t look the alpha in the eye but he looked at the way Ray had drawn himself up as if ready to burst with anger. His face was red.

                The grey coat that he wore was all that Tim was prepared to look at for now as the shame burned through him and he kept his head bowed low. Ray’s footsteps were loud on the gravel; the tiny stones crunching and giving way under his feet. He didn’t dare close his eyes but he wanted to as his father figure came to stand directly in front of him. Surely Ray would hurt him now.

                Hands gently took hold of Tim’s wrists, rubbed lightly under the rope to bring a little relief to his hands even though they were not chaffed yet. After a minute of untying the knot Ray freed his hands and stood back.

“How often have you bled for us Tim?”

                The question caught him off guard. “What?” He whispered.

“I saw the wolf; it was killed the same way another wolf had been killed eleven years ago. Your blood was on the floor, I would remember the smell of your blood forever Tim. I was around enough of it when you were growing up.”

“Your pack is being targeted.”

“I had gathered that. How often have you saved us?”

                He was actually hesitant to tell Ray, he wanted to keep it a secret but Ray had poured the alpha command into his voice and despite being an alpha himself Tim felt compelled to answer. He didn’t want to fight the command either. He wanted to show utter respect for Ray.

“I have never missed a day in protecting you. I run patrols every day. You have a reputation amongst rogues because you have not yet been brought down they try to get to your pack. There have been many wolves who have gotten close to the safe house over the years.”

                He had said it. Finally. He expected to be challenged and for Ray to ask him if he was saying his defences were weak. What he didn’t expect was the feel of hands on his upper arms pulling him in toward a torso. Before he had managed to figure it out his head was resting on a very broad and muscled chest while thick toned arms locked around him.

“My son, you have finally returned home. We wondered if you would ever forgive us.”


“I shunned you. We all suppressed your desire and abilities as much as we could. We thought you deserved a childhood but we were blind to the fact that you had lost that chance long ago and you needed to be an adult. I am so sorry.”


“Tendra will cry when she sees you. She will damn near strangle you; you know how she will throw herself at you and hug you.”

“I left you. I defied you. I turned away from you.”

“Because we left you no choice. It is a burden we shall bear forever. But you have proved your worth Alpha Tim. I feel and sense the power all around you. Your shameful face has not taken that edge away from you. You have grown more than I ever thought you would.”

Traumatised TimWhere stories live. Discover now