Chapter Seven

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He had made up his mind. Two hours of sitting in the waning light contemplating everything he had done and everything he had wanted to accomplish in life had told Tim everything he needed to know. That he was an alpha and if he thought he wasn’t good enough – then tough; he had no choice but to become good enough. These people needed him and if they had thought him alpha for years and he hadn’t been there for them then he had some making up to do. He wouldn’t let them down again.

                He wouldn’t let leaving his family be for nothing either. He would take this alpha business as a destiny he couldn’t achieve in Ray’s pack. It was the only comfort he was ever going to get, to think like that, and he held onto it with greedy hands. He at least needed to make sure he tried. Stepping out of the rock felt different. He felt taller as he stepped out into the open and he automatically raised his head a little more and straightened his back. He didn’t notice for a minute that his pack were watching him entering their fold. It was only as he passed the first man that he noticed that the man had dropped to one knee that and his eyes widened.

“You are being honoured as an Alpha Tim. This is a courtesy that occurs when an alpha comes into his own. Welcome to the pack. We greet you gladly.”

                The old formal words at the end made him feel like warm liquid was flowing through his veins. It was the feeling of acceptance that warmed Tim and he looked at the kneeling man with an affection he had never thought possible. It was like looking at a little brother even though the man kneeling had to be at least, if not older, than Tim’s age. He felt protective of this kneeling man, as if he had to care for him and watch over him… he knew now what it felt like to be an alpha. If felt like looking at lots of baby Christopher’s on their first night home and whispering into their ears that he would always be there for them.

                The feeling was overwhelming. One by one the pack infront of him knelt and accepted his authority and protection. They took their places as official pack members and Tim held onto the arms of Lauri as both a guide and anchor and older brother. This was a different bond; the one between alpha and beta. Lauri felt older, wiser, a consultant in matters. It felt like Tim had a good solid friend in Lauri and knew he would confide in this man absolutely. But he also felt protective, fiercely so but not in a newborn baby way - in a growling best friend way.

“liking the forming bonds?” Lauri smirked.

“It feels… good. Like family.”

“We are your family.”

“You feel like it.”

                He took one last look at his pack before looking at Lauri again.

“You are wanting to see your only equal. The one who feels the bonds the same way as you do.”

“Am I?” Was that what he was missing?

“She is over here.”

Lauri led Tim over to the little group of young ones and the two females that stood by them. Eveliina wasn’t there and Tim looked at Lauri puzzled. A little cough signalled at the women to part and standing there in a dark, lapis lazuli shade of blue and one armed, dress was Eveliina. She had her hands clasped tightly together and was waiting for something. It looked like approval.

Traumatised TimWhere stories live. Discover now