Chapter Twelve

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“Oh my god! Tim! What happened? Oh God, you’re bleeding badly.”

                Eveliina came running at him and her hands were instantly running all over his body checking him for wounds, and of them she saw many. If felt like her heart were beating at the back of her throat it was pumping that hard. He had been shot, his neck bitten badly and slash marks bled at his stomach. Not to mention all the other little injuries she saw over his body, especially on his legs.

“I’ll be alright Eveliina. Tell me what happened here, is everyone alright? Why did not Lauri howl back when I called?”

“Lauri is wounded but he knew enough to know you were fighting when you made the call. He couldn’t answer you and he didn’t want another to make the call because it would distract you too much - to know something had happened.”

“Foolish idea. I was more distracted waiting for a reply. I needed that call; I needed to know the situation. I thought the pack destroyed!”

                Eveliina nodded her head at him aware that, while he sounded angry at Lauri, he was more distressed at knowing his friend was hurt. “How is he?”

“Let me worry about you for a minute. You need to sit down. You’re losing too much blood.”

“I’ll be fine.” He went to walk past her but swayed and the world span. If not for Eveliina’s hands he would have fallen, as it was he felt himself being lifted up once more by Tommy. For such a small guy Tommy sure did have a lot of strength.

“You need patching up Tim, let me sort out your pack for you. I will report everything to you when you wake. Sleep now.”

                He couldn’t help it. He was drowsy anyway from lack of blood and the minute he knew that there was no pressure on him to stay awake it was like his body had an automatic switch; and it sent him off to sleep in an instant. The last he heard was a lot of commotion as everyone around was muttering that both Alpha and Beta were hurt and new wolves were invading.

“Friends.” He called out in his drowsy state. “They are friends. Trust them!” He called to his pack. The muttering stopped at once but then, so did everything else, for he fell unconscious after that.

Eveliina had never felt so worried. She had not even been this worried for her family, and she had been petrified for them. For some reason though it was harder to see him so wounded, the mate bond was very strong. This new guy, who did a lot of crouching and a lot of watching with his head cocked to the side, was looking over at Tim with an unreadable but very concentrated stare. It was one of the new wolves who took off Tim’s shirt and assessed all the wounds. He rolled Tim over one way and then the other before calling out for all their supplies.

“Do you know what you are doing?”

“I was training to be a healer in my other pack; I know enough to get him through the night. Tommy has a lot of experience as well, we will watch over your mate.” He assured her.

“What has happened here?”

                This ‘Tommy’ asked her the question moving in towards her. His eyes seemed to cut deep inside of her and he had  a smile on his face that she was sure was only a distraction. He was eyeing her up very carefully, assessing almost.

“We had just prepared dinner when they came. Thy started to climb down the rocks but this pack are adept climbers. Those who can fight jumped onto the boulders and started to fight. But the water was fast and the rocks slippery. Lauri was overpowered by two wolves and he slipped from the rocks. Brendon caught him and broke his fall but then he too slipped and they fell down. It wasn’t as high as Lauri initially fell but it was enough. They’re both alive but Lauri is badly hurt. Brendon fell into the water. Lauri didn’t.”

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