Chapter Fourteen

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Two days later and Tommy agreed that Tim was fit enough to go to Ray’s. Before then he had insisted on Tim staying in bed no matter what but time was ticking down and they need to get there soon.

                The run to Ray’s was actually quite nice; it had been two days since he had done any real exercise and while he still was not recovered as well as he would have like, he was better. He had healed quicker because of his wolf but it would still be about three weeks before he was completely healed. The stretching of his legs brought with it a feeling of relief to his muscles. He stayed behind Tommy who was leading their company. Tommy’s crouched run looked comical at first until the actual logic of it came into play. Squatting almost to the floor such a run was nimble and quick. Tommy refused to go into his wolf form; he was more agile as a human. He peered round corners before he took them with his body and he was low to the floor to avoid any initial attacks.

                His bent knees worked easily and he could dodge surprisingly quickly, running off to one direction with little warning. He was a springy little thing as well who was jumping over fallen tree boughs before Tim had even spotted them laying in the way. Before long, following such a quick guide, they were at the edge of Ray’s domain and they were not greeted like friends.

“Tommy you return but with a traitor and a horde of rogues. What is the meaning of this?!”

“Go and get my Alpha Lebon and Alpha Ray. They will let us enter.”

“No, we do not believe you and do not want to get into trouble for disturbing them for trivial matters.”

                Tommy immediately cocked his head to the side. “Trivial matters? War and allies are ‘trivial’ are they? What has gotten into you Jir? That you would turn away friends? Let us past now.”

“No. Be gone with you.”

“You know us to be here legitimately or you would have bound our hands and taken us to the Alphas, why do you hinder us.”

“We do what is good for the alphas… even if they do not see it themselves.”

“Let us through!”

“Enough Tommy.” Tim put a hand on his shoulder to calm him. “If we are not needed nor wanted then we shall of course leave. Come on.”

                Tim had to literally drag his rather strong friend away from the guards; Tommy was all for fighting them till they were unconscious and then reporting them to the Alphas.

“Hush Tommy, I know how to get past their guards. It’s rather easy if you are any good at timing.”


“How do you think I got past them to guard my family?”

“It’s isn’t about ability, of course there is a way, it’s principle Tim! They are disobeying their Alphas, putting innocents in danger and it leads me to wonder if my messenger got through to tell Ray to send the non-fighters through the passages, while there was still time.”

“Well the latter depends on who you sent. For now let’s wait a half hour then slip past them. We can greet Ray with surprise and quickly announce the situation.”

“So close to battle Tim, a split pack is too dangerous. If we can’t work together how can we be expected to fight together? There’s too many enemies on a battle field without putting our kin in the mix as well.”

“Agreed and I have to say that is my fault. I do not blame them. I left.”

                Tommy stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face him. “And I watched you become a very lonely person who worked weights because it was all he had. You made your decision and stuck to it. They did not help you while you were there, those who turn from you now are the ones who ignored you as a teen begging to be taught. So what you, went away so what? You did not sell anyone out. You brought no enemies down on them. You left peacefully, you watched over them and you return peacefully announcing your help in their safety. Hell Tim, you didn’t kill anyone, or cause a catastrophe. You went on holiday for a while so you could ‘find yourself’. Get over it, they have to.”

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