𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷:𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃 𝙼𝙴𝙴𝚃

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Prince Ora(Orange Steve) Prov:
Hello there. My name is Ora and I'm an Orange Steve but not any kind of Orange Steve, I'm a prince and I had an older brother name Auturn(Orange Leader). He's the King of the Orange Kingdom.

Today Auturn is going to pick a personal guard for me. He's scared that I might get kidnaped or got hurt or....something else. I told him that I could take care of my self but he's the king after all and he wanted to make sure that I'm safe and sound.

I'm waiting in my room, reading. I'm waiting for my brother and this 'personal guard'.


*knock* *knock*

Me: "Come in."

The door open, then my older brother came in.

Orange King(Auturn): "Hello brother. How are you?"
Me: "I'm fine."
Orange King(Autrun): "Are you exiting to see your personal guard?"
Me: (Sarcastic)"Very..."
Orange King(Auturn): "Alright then. Come in guard."

Then there a guard came in. He has messy brown hair, he wears blindfold and he has fair skin, he looks...cute.

FavreMySabre: "Greeting your majesty. My name is FavreMySabre but you can call me Sabre for short. I will be your personal guard, I will protect you till my last breath."
Me: "Hello Sabre."
Orange King(Auturn): "He will be your personal guard, Ora. His father use to be our father personal guard, until one day he died from his sacrifice for our father. I hope he does the same thing for you. I will leave you be."

Then my brother leave the room which leave me and Sabre alone. We both stare at each other, it was an awkward silence until Sabre decided to broke it.

FavreMySabre: "Do you need anything your majesty?"
Me: "No but you can call me Ora instead of your majesty."
FavreMySabre: "Alright Prince Cora."
Me: "Hmm...hey Sabre. I'm going to the garden."
FavreMySabre: "I'll follow."
Me: "Umm..alright?"

Me and Sabre then heading to the garden. While we were walking, we meet some maids and they all staring at Sabre for some reason....we made it to the garden.
I sat down on the soft grass, take a deep breath and let it out. I look back at where Sabre stand. He's just standing there like a statue.

Me: "Hey Sabre. Why don't you come and sit with me."

He looks at me and said.

FavreMySabre: "As you wish Prince Ora."

He walks toward me and sit beside me.

Me: "So Sabre why don't you tell me about your self? Like what's your like or dislike?"
FavreMySabre: "I like reading, training, baking, gardening, my friends and families and cheese. My dislike is....betrayal."
Me: "Alright that interesting...Well I like reading, orange tulips, and cookies and cake. My dislikes are enemies, bullies and seeing my love ones get hurt."
FavreMySabre: "Mhm."


*insert thunder*

We both look up and saw the clouds turn grey

FavreMySabre: "Your majesty. We should head inside, it will be raining soon."
Me: "You're right. Let head inside."

We both went inside the castle.

FavreMySabre: "Where do you wanna go Prince Cora?"
Me: "Can we go back to my room. I'm kinda tired."
FavreMySabre: "Alright Prince Cora."

We head to my room, we both enter my room. Sabre close the door behind him, then we heard more thunder. I open the curtain to see that it's raining. I guess we're just in time. I sit on my bed. I look back at Sabre.

Me: "So Sabre where do you live?"
FavreMySabre: "I use to live in [______] but since my job is to take care of you. I will be living here, in a room with number 32 in it."
Me: "So you're living here?"
FavreMySabre: "Yeah. Speaking of which I should probably leave, I need to fetch your dinner since Orange king said you like to eat in your room."
Me: "Okay."

Then Sabre leaves my room. As soon as he leaves, I use one of my pillow to cover my face then I fell my face heat up. 'Omg! He is so ahdhajahdbxgiaiaushd. Okay calm down Ora, he will be back.' I put my pillow back where it was before. Then I heard the door open. I look at the door to see Sabre with a food cart. He pushes the cart towards me, he open the food cover to reveal a plate with pasta with meatballs, and a bowl with chicken noodle soup, beside the plate is a cup of tea....my fav :)

I was about to eat then I look at Sabre to see him staring at the opposite direction. I was confused at first then I found out that he's probably hungry...

Me: "Hey Sabre. Did you eat yet?"
FavreMySabre: "No, why are you asking Prince Ora?"
Me: "Hmm...why don't you sit beside me."
FavreMySabre: "Okay Prince Ora."

He sit beside me. I took the bowl with chicken noodle soup.

Me: "Here. You can have it."
FavreMySabre: "Umm..Prince Cora. I appreciate your offer but I cannot afford that. This is your food, you're the one that must eat it. I'm ganno eat later."
Me: "Nah ah. I insist."
FavreMySabre: "No thanks..."

'You want the hard way?'

Me: "Did you just say no to me?"
FavreMySabre: "What umm...no? Wait yes! Wait...!"
Me: "I'm tell my brother about this if you don't take this soup. Now."

He immediately take the soup out of my hands. I snicker at his reaction, he looks terrified.

Me: "See wasn't that easy?"

He nods. I took my fork and eat the pasta while Sabre eat the soup, slowly. Probably feel horrible because he's eating one of my foods. I finish my pasta and he's finish the soup. I drink the tea. After finish my dinner, I look at Sabre and he looks away.

FavreMySabre: "I'm sorry for eating your soup, Prince Ora."
Me: "Don't apologise. It was my decision to make."
FavreMySabre: "But why?"
Me: "Because I feel awful for eating in front of you. Plus if you didn't eat and you had no energy then you how are you going to protect me?"
FavreMySabre: "I..."
Me: "I get it that it your duty to serve and protect me. But can I just do something I want?"
FavreMySabre: "....You have a point Prince Ora."
Me: "I always have."

-Few hours later-

Me and Sabre having fun. We both chat, train and play together. I'm braiding Sabre hair. His hair is pretty long so I ask him if I could braid and he said yes. He looks at the clock in my room. He get up.

FavreMySabre: "Sorry to interrupt you Prince Ora but I should head to my room now. See you tomorrow Prince Ora."
Me: "Bye Sab."

He leaves the room with the food cart. I smile 'how cute...'.

𝙰/𝙽: 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚊 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢/𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐

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