𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻:𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚕!𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝.𝟸

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Noah(Shy!Orange Steve) Prov:

"Is this really necessary?"
"I guess..."
"Um... okay?"

It been only 7 minutes after Sabre convinced me to try and confess my feelings to Auturn and now he's 'helping' me prepare for it. Clothes first!
Me both and Sabre looking for a nice clothes.

Me: "D-do you think this is nice?"

I say, pulling out a pair of clothes. Sabre looks at it for awhile.

FavreMySabre: "I mean it does look nice but don't you think it a little to nice?"
Me: "I g-guess you're right. How a-about this?"

I say, pulling out a black suit.

FavreMySabre: "That fancy..."
Me: "Yeah, y-you're right. It i-isn't my s-style."
FavreMySabre: "Hm..how about this?

I turn around.

Me: "This i-is nice

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Me: "This i-is nice. I o-only to wear this on sp-special occasion."
FavreMySabre: "And I think this is the right time to wear it."

I nods.

FavreMySabre: "And now all we need to do is... your speech."
Me: "H-huh?"


King Orange(Auturn) Prov:

Me: "Um... Lil bro? I thought you said, we're getting ready for my confession. Why are we heading to 'Happy flowers'?"
Prince Ora(Orange Steve): "To open a secret chamber- buy a flower for Noah of course!"
Me: "...was that really necessary?"
Prince Ora(Orange Steve): "Mhm. Oh here we are!"

My little brother said as our carriage stop at our destination. Both of us get out of our Carriage and head inside Happy flower shop.

Prince Ora(Orange Steve): "One things about Noah is he likes flowers. All kind of them. So you must give him flowers so he knows you care about him."
Me: "So um... does he have any favorite flowers?"
Prince Ora(Orange Steve): "I don't actually know...but I remember he likes tulips the most so let buy a boutique of tulips for him." *clear throat* "Oh Nichol~"

After my brother call the owner name. The owner pops out of no where and greeted us.

Nichol(Happy!Orange Steve): "Hello. Welcome to Happy's Flower! How may I help you?"
Prince Ora(Orange Steve): "Can me and my brother get a boutique of tulips please?"
Nichol(Happy!Orange Steve): *le gasp*
"Is there a wedding? How come I'm not invited?"
Me: "There's no wedding Nichol. It just-"
Prince Ora(Orange Steve): "He's going to confess his feelings to Noah!"
Nichol(Happy!Orange Steve): "Oh my! Shy bean is so lucky! You know what? *give Prince Ora boutique of tulips* Take this for free and go and confess to him!"
Me: "Um..okay?"

After me and Prince Ora get out of the flower shop, I look at Ora.

Me: "Well that was easy...?"
Prince Ora(Orange Steve): "Yep! Now the clothes!"
Me: "Wha-"

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