𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸:𝚅𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝 𝙽𝚘𝚊𝚑

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Prince Ora(Orange Steve) Prov:
It morning and I'm eating pancake in my room as always.UwU
I heard a door open, I look behind me to see that my older brother is entering my room.

Orange King(Auturn): "Good morning Brother."
Me: "Morning."
Orange King(Auturn): "How is your breakfast?"
Me: "Delicious as always."
Orange King(Auturn): "So what do you think about your 'personal guard'?"
Me: "He's alright."
Orange King(Auturn): "That good enough for me. Speaking of which, if you wanna know he's waiting outside."
Me: "Okay."

My brother get out of my room. After eating breakfast I get out of my room to see Sabre standing outside like a statue.

Me: "Hey Sab."

He looks at me and bow.

FavreMySabre: "Good morning Prince Ora."
Me: "Morning Sab. We're going to the village."
FavreMySabre: "Why Prince Ora?"
Me: "Oh I wanna visit a friend of mine, Noah(Shy!Orange Steve)."
FavreMySabre: "Okay Prince Ora."

-Time Skip because me lazy :')-

After me and Sabre arrive at Noah house, I ring the door bell waiting for Noah to open it but end up hearing something shattered. Sabre immediately open the door only to see that Noah is sitting on the floor, sweeping a broken plate. He looks at me nervously while I shake my head. Sabre went inside and took the broom and sweep the broken plate and throw it to the trash. Sabre give the broom back to Noah and bow.

Me: "Noah?"
Noah(Shy!Orange Steve): "Y-yes?"
Me: "How in the origin did you end up having a broken plate?"
Noah(Shy!Orange Steve): "W-well I was having a breakfast and I w-was about to wash the p-plate then I hear the doorbell ring which surprise me a-and here we are..."
Me: "Oh um..sorry about that."
Noah(Shy!Orange Steve): "I-it alright anyway w-who is he?" *pointing at Sabre*
Me: "Oh he's my personal guard, Sabre. I just meet him yesterday. Sabre, he's Noah a friend of mine."
FavreMySabre: "It nice to meet you Noah."
Noah(Shy!Orange Steve): "O-oh well t-that nice.."
Me: "Anyway I'm here to pay you a visit since you rarely talk to anybody and I wanna talk to you."
Noah(Shy!Orange Steve): "A-alright."

Me and Noah heading to the living room while Sabre is following us.

FavreMySabre Prov:
Noah and Prince Ora take a sit on the couch while I'm standing beside Prince Ora. They are having a normal conversation, while they were talking I secretly talking to someone...in my head.

FavreMySabre: 'So Shadow, how are you doing?'
Shadow: 'Oh you know, just got smack by Origin Steve. What about you?'
FavreMySabre: 'I'm fine just taking care of Prince Ora.'
Shadow: 'Anyway I miss you. Pls come back!'
FavreMySabre: 'It been only a day Shadow -_-'
Shadow: 'But it felt a 100 years!!!'
FavreMySabre: 'Really?'
Shadow: 'Heh...'
Origin Steve: 'Stop bothering him Shadow!!'
Shadow: 'Gtg bey!'
Origin Steve: 'Get back here!'


Oh well...

I get back to reality only to see that Prince Ora decided to head back to the castle. I look at the clock to see that it was 11 o'clock, we arrive here at 10 o'clock. I guess I space out to long. I follow Prince Cora and wave to Noah. We're going back to the castle.

My Lovely Guard(Royal!RQ Au)[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now