𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7:𝚂𝚞𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜

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Prince Ora(Orange Steve) Prov:
Sabre has been acting suspicious lately...
Ever since 'yesterday', Sabre keep his guard up and only let it down when we're near other people which make me confused. I'm starting to think that something is bothering him.

Me, Prince Roman and Sabre are in the garden right now. I sat beside Prince Roman who seems pretty nervous about the Birthday Party.

Prince Roman: "What if he doesn't like my gifts Ora? I want to have a good impression on my first time meeting him but I'm nervous! What should I do?!"
Me: "Um... I'm not good with these stuff." *whisper*"Sabre a little help here?"
Favremysabre: "...I suggest you to stay confident but calm at the same time, and I sugget you to talk something else other than business and don't gossips with him. He often leaves when ever you try to gossips with him."
Prince Roman: "Alright- wait... how would you know that would work."
Favremysabre: "I-.. I use to be Prince Rainbow childhood friend when we're younger until one day I have to leave this land to train in the outside walls."

I stare at him in shock while Prince Roman stares at him in...unimpressed look.

Me: "What? That so cool!"
Prince Roman: "But you didn't explain how you know Prince Light."
Favremysabre: "Well.. sooner or later I came back to the walls and decided to visit Prince Rainbow but instead I met Prince Light and.. both of us surprisingly get along pretty fast."
Prince Roman: "Is that how you got those Rainbow and White earrings?"

I look at where Prince Roman pointing at and saw Sabre's left ear has rainbow earring while the other one has white earing.

Me: "How I didn't notice that?"
Favremysabre: "That because I rarely wear these earrings because I didn't want to attract any attention but since today is Prince Light birthday.. he would be upset because I didn't wear it on his birthday and just in case I forgot to wear it for tonight."

Both me and Prince Roman giggles at his comment but then something hits me. Does he being paranoid has something to do with Prince Light birthday? Hm...

As I was about to say something, all of us hear a familiar bell.

Prince Roman: "Oh! That must be my ride. I have to go now. See you at the party Ora."

He said as he walk away from me and Sabre.

Favremysabre: "Oh.. that reminds me. You should prepare for tonight Prince Ora."
Me: "Yeah.. you're right. Let's go."

Both of us head to my room. As both of us walking through the hall way, I decided to ask Sabre about it.

Me: "Sabre?"
Favremysabre: "Yes Prince Ora."
Me: ".. why are you so paranoid?"
Favremysabre: "What do you mean Prince Ora?"
Me: "I- don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You have been so paranoid and alway keep your guard up and never let it down unless there someone else around!"
Favremysabre: "..."
Me: "Is it has something to do with The Rainbow Kingdom? Are you nervous about Prince Light Birthday Party?"
Favremysabre: "I- um... Oh! Well would you look at that. We're here!"

I look at where Sabre pointing and he's pointing at my door.

Favremysabre: "I should probably go now. I also have to prepare for Prince Light Birthday Party. Bye!"
Me: "Wait! I'm not fi-"

I turn around and Sabre already dissappear.

Me: "-nish." *sigh* "I guess.. I should get ready for The Party. I'm gonna ask him after the The Party,

Whether he likes it or not."

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