𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸:𝙶𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚍

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Prince Ora(Orange Steve) Prov:
As we enter the garden, I heard a familiar noise.

*oink* *oink*

Then a pig with a golden collar came out of a bush nearby and tackle me.

Me: *gasp* "GERALD!"
Gerald: *happy oink*
Prince Roman(Violet Leader): "Um..Ora. Do you know them?"
Me: "Yes, I know him. He is my pet pig name Gerald. Gerald this Prince Roman."

Prince Roman and Gerald stare at each other for awhile, before Prince Roman squealing.

Prince Roman(Violet Leader): "Omg! He is so cute!!!"

Roman pull Gerald into a hug while Gerald trying to get out of Roman death hug.

FavreMySabre: "Excuse me your majesty but you should let him go. He seems to be out of breath."
Prince Roman(Violet Leader): "Oh sorry.."

He said as he let go of Gerald. Gerald walks away from him and walk towards a field of colorfull lilac flowers. Roman looks at sky then Sabre.

Prince Roman(Violet Leader): "What time is it?"
FavreMySabre: "Oh it um...4 pm."
Prince Roman(Violet Leader): "Oh well I should take my leave."
Me: "What? But we just got here."
Prince Roman(Violet Leader): "Well me and my brother need to go now since we had important stuff to do."
FavreMySabre: "Your majesty should I-"
Prince Roman(Violet Leader): "No you don't need to company me. I can go back by myself."

He walks out of the royal garden and probably heading to where his brother is. I look at Sabre and he just shrug.

Me: "Can we go to the kitchen? I'm hungry."
FavreMySabre: "Yes Prince Ora."

We both went inside the castle and we went to the kitchen.

Me: "It smells good here. I wonder what we're having today."

I saw one of the chefs there and tap his shoulder, he looks at me and smile.

Chef #1: "Hello your majesty. What bring you here?"
Me: "Can I have a slice of pumpkin pie please?(Me:"Omg! I'm so Glad that Element isn't here." Elemental Steve: "Did some one say pie?" :) Me: "Oh n-")
Chef #1: "One slice of pumpkin pie. Coming right up."

He said as he left. I sat on a wooden chair and waiting for the pie while Sabre just standing beside me. After some time the chef came back and bring a slice of pumpkin pie.

Chef #1: "Here the pie you order your majesty."
Me: "Thanks."

I get off of my chair I was sitting on and the Chef hand the pumpkin pie and left.

Me: "Come on Sabre. Let head to my room."

He nods and we went to my room.

My Lovely Guard(Royal!RQ Au)[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now