𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹:𝙵𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛..?

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Prince Ora(Orange Steve) Prov:


You must be wondering what just happen? Well you see, I'm sick and I had to stay in bed until I feel better. How did this happen? I play in the rain like a kid while Sabre told me not to. I feel bad that I get Sabre in trouble but he said he's fine after getting slap by my brother. Now I'm in my room, with Sabre feeding me chicken noodle soup.

Me: "Sabre. I can eat by myself."
FavreMySabre: "Sorry Prince Ora but I have to do this."
Me: "Fine.."
FavreMySabre: "One more bite. Say a."
Me: "a....mm"
FavreMySabre: "There, all finish."
Me: "This is embarrassing...."
FavreMySabre: *chuckles*

He stands up and push the food cart.

FavreMySabre: "Be right back."

He left the room. I took my favorite book that was in the drawers and read it. After a few minutes Sabre came back.

FavreMySabre: "Is there anything Prince Ora want?"
Me: "Well actually I want some honey! Can you get me some honey?"
FavreMySabre: "Alright Prince Ora."

Sabre left the room again while I'm reading my book.
This is actually relaxing. Sabre came back with the honey I ask for. He feeds me again. After he feeding me honey, he looks at me and pull out my medicine and pour it into a spoon.

FavreMySabre: "Prince Ora. It time to eat your medicine."
Me: "No! I don't want to eat mah medicine!"
FavreMySabre: "Come on Prince Ora. You're ganno feel a lot better sooner than later."
Me: "No!"
FavreMySabre: "Hm...what should I do?"
Me: "What are yo-mm!"

He immediately shoved the medicine in to my mouth. He pull out the spoon while I gagged. 'Omg!
It tasted terrible!' He chuckles at my reaction.

Me: "Why????"
FavreMySabre: "Sorry Prince Ora but you have to eat your medicine at all costs."

I yawn 'I'm tired...'. He pull the cover then pat my head.

FavreMySabre: "Rest Prince Ora. I'll be here if you need me."

I took his advice and let the drowsiness taking over me.


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