Chapter 42:Stained Glass Eyes And Colourful Teras.

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Austin and I finally got the house to ourselves. Robert was sound asleep upstairs in his crib. We just decided to spend time together and watch movies. "Babe, I love you." I smiled and kissed him. "I love you too." He kissed me and pulled me onto his lap. My legs were wrapped around his waist and he put his forehead on mine. "You're so cute." He kissed me and deepened the kiss by sticking his tongue in my mouth. He slid his hands up my shirt and rubbed my sides. He kissed down my jawline and down my neck to my soft spot. I moaned and he chuckled. I kissed him and bit his lip making him growl. I took off his shirt and he pulled mine off after. He kissed down my chest and then my tummy making me giggle. He smiled and laid me on the couch then got on top of me and straddled me.

He unbuttoned my pants and pulled them off. I unbuckled his belt and took off his pants. He kept kissing my soft spot making me moan. I heard something but I ignored it thinking it was just Robert moving around. Austin and I kept kissing when I turned my head so he could suck on my neck when I saw a drunk Alan. I screamed and tried pushing Austin off of me. Austin turned his head and saw Alan. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Austin snapped. "I want to join." I shook my head and put on my clothes. This is so creepy. How did he get in?

I was sitting in the kitchen leaning against the counter looking out the window when I felt somebody sucking on my neck. Finally Alan left. I moaned and turned myself around to see Alan. "OMG ALAN STOP.!" I whispered yelled. "Austin knows. He doesn't care." He slurred. What does he mean Austin doesn't care? I sat there zoned out when I felt Alan sucking on my neck again making me moan. I tried pushing him off me but he was way to strong. I screamed for Austin and he came in. "Babe, just, I don't know." He tried pulling Alan off but then Alan did the craziest thing. Alan turned around and kissed Austin. Austin tried pulling away but Alan pinned him against the wall. What the fuck is going on?

I heard Austin growl. I was in shock I didn't know what to do. I went into the fridge and grabbed the Jack Daniels Mike bought for me. I opened it and chugged half of it. It burned my throat but it felt good. I was tipsy, which soon turned into being drunk. I felt somebody grab my waist and turn me around. I looked up to see a blurry Austin. I giggled and he reached by me and grabbed the whiskey and drank the rest. He kissed me which soon heated up. Before I knew it we were all in our under garments. Everything was just a blur to me. Everything until I felt myself laying on the couch with Alan inserting himself in me. I gasped and realization and tried to stop him but I couldn't.

I wasn't moaning in pleasure, it was more like I was moaning in pain. "Stop" I groaned but Austin went right into me right after Alan but was so rough it hurt. I was crying and none of them noticed. What the fuck was happening? Austin finally finished and then Alan and Austin started making out. I sat there in pain just watching them. I quickly got up and put on my panties and a shirt and ran upstairs. I ran into my room and locked myself in the bathroom.

I sat there against the wall crying. I can't believe I just basically got raped. I told them to stop more then once but they were to drunk. I don't know hwy I even got myself drunk. I rocked back and forth holding my knees to my chest. I kept crying. Its all my fault and I'm just sitting here crying. I was disgusted. I got on my knees and got all the strength I could and crawled to the sink. I opened the cabinet and found a razor. I grabbed it and sat back agaisnt the wall. I held the razor to my wrist and quickly went across my wrist several times.

I dropped the razor and looked at my wrist. Blood running down my arms. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my wrist. The bleeding soon slowed down. I felt a little dizzy but I smashed my head off the wall making me wince in pain. I removed the towel and just stared at the fresh cuts. "Zundra, baby where are you?" I don't know how long I was sitting in this bathroom for but I'm pretty sure its already morning. I guess all my crying kind of subsided the sound around me. I got up but my legs were shaky. I held on to the towel rack and looked out the window. Sunlight peered in making me stumble back. My legs gave out and I fell.

I rubbed my ass and hip in pain. "Ow." I mumbled. "Babe? are you in there?" I heard pounding on the door. All of the memories from last night came back making tears come to my eyes. A few of them streamed down my face. "L-leave me alone." I could here him shuffling around on the other side. He didn't get the message. He kept banging on the door. "Open the door Zundra." I ignored him and brought my legs to my chest. I cried into my knees.

I heard the door make a weird noise. I looked up but could barely see because of all the tears. I felt a pair of arms pick me up, I knew it was Austin by how gentle he was with me. He set me down on the bed. "Babe, I don't really remember what happened last night, but whatever happened I'm so sorry. I love you. I don't know what to say. Please tell me what happened?" I sighed and tried holding the tears back. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "You-you and Alan ra-raped me." I stuttered. More tears came flowing out. His mouth dropped.

"Zundra omg. I-I can't believe I would do that to you or even let Alan." He was shocked, upset, mad and hurt. He got up and punched the wall making me jump. "Austin stop, please?" He looked at me and backed away from the wall. "You must hate me. I'm sorry. Baby please just- I. Uhm. I need air. No I don't, I'm an idiot. I can't believe I'd do that." I looked down and hid my face so he didn't see my tears were still freely flowing down my face. "Did I-I, uhm....hurt you?" He stuttered. I looked up and hesitated but then I shook my head. LIAR. I screamed at myself. "Babe, tell me the truth."

Austin sat beside me and pulled me into his arms. I tensed up at first but then relaxed when I felt his warm arms. "Did I hurt you?" I looked up at him and saw tears in his eyes. I nodded my head slowly. I saw tears start streaming down his face. I wiped away some of them and kissed his nose. I cupped his face with my hands and looked him in the eyes. "Listen, you two were drunk. I was at first but soon faded away when it all happened. Don't be sad. You didn't know what you were doing nor did Alan. I still love you. Just please, calm down."

I could him shaking. He looked in my eyes and kissed me. He held me tighter and then grabbed my arm making me flinch. "What's this?" I looked at him in confusion then looked at my arm to see what he was talking about. I pulled my arm away from his grip. "You promised. I can't believe you would do that." I looked at him shocked. "Austin if you were me last night, you would of done the same." I was getting angry. "Don't make excuses to cut." I looked at him and backed away from him. Is he being serious right now? "Don't fucking start with me Austin." I raised my voice at him.

"You're pathetic. You have a kid, stop cutting yourself. I was drunk and so was Alan, like you said." I was outraged. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY I'M PATHETIC. AT LEAST I TOOK CARE OF OOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUR BABY WHILE YOU WERE GETTING DRUNK." I screamed. I got up and ran downstairs. I found my jeans on the floor and put them on. I found a sweater from the closet and slipped it on. I quickly put my hair up and rubbed off the remainder of makeup I had on. I slipped on my vans and ran out of the house. I heard Austin calling my name but I dond't stop. I needed space and time away from him. I would of hit him if I stayed there. I didn't know where I was heading at first, but then I had an idea when I got close.

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