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Noelle was back at The Knights of Favonius headquarters after a long week of training helping and overall was exhausted from her work. She sat down sleep deprived, hungry, and A throbbing headache making her thoughts cloud.

"What am I going to do" she says taking in a shaking breath "if only I had help, or mabye I need to train more?"

She looks over at the sandwich she had made for herself yesterday, or was it two days ago? She didn't know the whole week just blended into one long day.

She picked it up eating every crumb and yet it only made her hunger grow. She sighs again putting her head in her hands 'what to do what to do' she thinks.

It was clear as Crystal noelle was not in a good place.

"Miss Noelle!" She flinches at the sudden loud noise "hello! It's me klee!" Klee ran up to her jumping up and down "Guess what I did today!"

Noelle whispers, pain stabbing her temple, "please quiet down..." Klee didn't seem to hear her bursting with of excitement telling her story "Ok sooo I went down to the beach!" "Please" "I know jean doesn't really want me to do that but it was sunny out!"


"And I took out One of my bombs after I spotted it!"


"I threw back my hand!"


"And Wosh! There Goes The Fish!"

Noelle stood up, all morals thrown out the window "Klee I've had it! You are the most IRRESPONSIBLE knight I have EVER SEEN you're only 10 with basically no training AND NO PROBLEMS I spend my weeks training hard AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO THINK THIS IS A JOKE! you are not fit to be a knight And you are definitely not fit to call yourself one!"

Noelle stops herself before saying more looking down at a crying Klee "I-I'm s-sorry" Klee whispers "no Klee I didn't mean-" Noelle reached out to her but Klee backed up

"Noelle." She turned to see master jean with an angry expression "acting grandmaster Jean-"

"I don't want to see you here"



Jean walked over picking up Klee "you have no right to tell someone whether they do or do not deserve to be a knight, especially since you yourself are not one, I don't want you here anymore"

Noelle felt tears in her eyes "yes ma'am" then left to gather her things.

"Klee are you ok?" Jean dried klee's tears "y-yeah" "let's go to your room ok?"

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