Hands | Chisaki Kai X Reader

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*Italics are used when the person on the other line of the phone is speaking or during text messages

You were awoken by a call from Chisaki, whom which had a nightmare about his abandonment. It had been midnight, which wasn't too bad of a time to be awakened. Your hand grasped the phone and picked up.
"Hello?" Chisaki's deep voice called out, a slight croak in his voice.
"Hello," you happily responded. He sighed as his slumped down in his bed.
Chisaki closed his amber eyes before slowly opening them again, as if he were trying to block out reality. "...Why are you awake."
"I'm awake because I normally stay up this late, it's not too late anyway." You rubbed your eyes slightly, a small laugh coming from your end. Your laugh was so very calming to him.
"I see." He paused. "...Can I...see you? Can I come over?" Chisaki held his breath in anticipation. Your lips curled into a smile.
"Of course."
"Then... I'll see you soon. Goodbye." The message was followed by the beeps that play once someone has hung up. After a short ten minutes, your phone buzzes once again.
"Come down. I'm here." Was the one message Chisaki had sent you. You put on your shoes and walked downstairs from your apartment complex. Chisaki's amber eyes stood out from the darkness of the night. You waved happily at him. He waved then turned around.
"I saw you, and now I feel better. I should... get going," he sighed as he began to walk towards his car. You furrowed your eyebrows and hugged him from behind. His eyes started to glisten with tears, before he turned around and hugged you, soft sobs erupting from the brunette. You ran your hands through his hair, patting his back. He gulped and cleared his throat as he withdrew slowly from your touch, as if he didn't want to let go, as if he wanted to stay there forever.
You took his hand in yours, with a soft gaze at him,"Let's go on a walk, alright?" He nodded as you two strolled about in a nearby park. The both of you sat down on a bench towards the end, his hand tightly grasping yours. "What happened?"
He sighed as he looked into your eyes. "I...had a nightmare. About my mother."
"I see...Do you want to talk about it?" You rubbed your thumb over his hand. Chisaki stared at the ground for a moment before speaking.
"Well...I don't remember it too clearly, seeing as I was around the age of 6 when it happened, but...she had let go of my hand, leaving me on the street. 'You're not my son.' She yelled." The grasp on your hand becoming even tighter, his eyes growing glossy with tears. You sympathized with him, greatly. "It's also...why I haven't let go of your hand yet. I don't...like letting go. I don't want to let go and to never see you again." He had a look of guilt in his eyes, mixed with sadness.
"...hey, it's okay," your other hand caressed his cheek. "I won't go. Not now, not ever." You gave him a small smile, a slighty nod coming from Chisaki in response. He muttered an 'okay', before he hugged you.

"Thank you."

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