Chapter 4

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Seize the moment.

For days Aleksander felt he was wasting his time, attending training session that he didn't need. But his character, Kiril, needed to get used to that routine.
Walking in the halls of the palace, he lowered to check his poor clothes, while opposite him he saw approaching a couple of ladies in expensive dresses, their arms linked.

His heart exulted at the sight of the lady with blonde hair, who wouldn't mind of his poor look.
Maybe she would have even liked to see him with his best suit. His bare skin.
But he had to shut his impertinent thoughts for the sake of her companion, a new face crowned with dark hair.
She looked very beautiful, but her narrowed eyes stalking him were becoming quite annoying.

"Ladies" he greeted with a small bow when they were close enough.
"Captain" Alyssa said with a friendly tone.
The dark haired young woman looked between them.
"Well? You don't introduce me to your new friend?".
Aleksander didn't like the clear malice in the way she called him new friend.
Her hungry eyes meant she was trouble.
Alyssa sighed, but replied firmly "Roslyn, this is Captain Kiril, recently arrived from the warfront. Captain, she is the daughter of the Duke of Udova".
A noblewoman, of course.
He took the initiative and grabbed her hand, relieved to feel that she was an otkazat'sya. He bowed to almost kiss the back of her hand.
"It's a pleasure".
Roslyn made a noise of appreciation "Hmm, he knows good manners. What are your origins, Captain?"'.
A Morozova.
Much more noble than her dynasty.
"Humble ones" he said loudly, instead.
"That's alright" she comforted him quickly "You can make a fine lover".
Also Alyssa dropped her jaw, but composed herself fast and rolled her eyes.
It must have been an habit.
Or did she confess the attitude he showed her in their first meetings?
"Enjoy your day, Captain" Roslyn dismissed him, with a wide grin, that faded when her friend abruptly pulled her away.
Alyssa crossed his eyes with an apologizing look, but before they walked away, she turned and said "There's an eclipse happening at noon. Then the king offers a party. You're invited to both events".
Aleksander rejoyed at the news of something different from his routine and bowed to thank.

When later he went to his room, the servant Shea arrived with a box for him.
A uniform fit for a high ranking soldier.
Shea wanted to help him to wear it, but Kiril could manage it on his own, even without Aleksander's experience.

He joined the crowd already gathered in the courtyard, under the strong sunlight.
The sky was clear and the sun was shining right above their head.
Most of people had some thick piece of dark glass to stare directly at the sun safely.
Aleksander didn't care much of the event. He had witnessed other eclipses.
It was nothing compared to the impact of the Fold, his creation.

After some minutes, the sunlight weakened.
People grew restless around him.
Aleksander wondered how they would feel if there was a way to take a journey through the Fold and its monsters.
Would his creation be eternal like its creator?
His mother wished he could somehow undo it, but if she was powerless in front of merzorst, he doubted that anyone else could destroy it.
They needed a miracle.
But Aleksander never believed in Saints. They meant nothing to an eternal being like himself.

Suddenly darkness fell.
Day turned into night.
The crowd released noises of surprise.
Aleksander held his breath, feeling his power stretching in him, eager to reunite and dance with the darkness surrounding him.
But he could unleash it, not in front of so many witnesses.
Resisting wasn't a pleasant feeling, it was choking him.
It risked to slip out of his control, just like he had no power into the Fold.

He lowered his eyes, searching through the crowd until they found and rested on Alyssa.
Somehow a sudden peace calmed him down.
He was allowed to breath again.
Like sensing his stare, she turned and crossed his eyes, a smile warming her face.
A second later sunlight shoved the darkness away and gradually the midday sun shone again, raising happy noises from the people.

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