ฅ Chapter 4 ฅ

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TW// Panicking [I felt like I had to put something]

POV George

I woke up to the sound of very loud crickets chirping outside the window. Opening my eyes, I look around and suddenly realize, I have no idea on where I am.

My breathing starts to speed up and I start shaking out of fear, for some reason I just can't get it in my head on remembering what happened yesterday. I'm not used to being out of the comfort of my own home. I pull my comforter up to my chest and curl my knees up as I lean against the headboard.

The blinds on the window are slightly ajar, letting rays of moonlight in as I cower more into the bed. Where's my phone? What time is it? As I hug my knees in closer to my chest, I accidentally let out a whimper, which apparently was loud enough to alert anyone nearby.

Next thing I know, my door is opened and a tall figure walks in. I couldn't see who it was because of it being too dark and I was too busy keeping my head down, trying to hide from the world around me.

He comes up to me with the most calming voice ever, and starts to gently rub my shoulder. "Hey, hey what's wrong George?" I sniffle in response, when did I start crying?

I'm still shaking as he pulls me closer into his chest, hugging me in the process. Why does he smell so good? And familiar?

And then, all of the sudden, my brain finally clicks and I remember where I am and who I'm with.

"Dream?" I respond weakly.

"Yeah, it's just me," he says quietly as he continues rubbing up and down my back. I exhale as I relax into his hold more, holding back any purrs that threaten to escape again.

We sit like this for about 2 minutes until I remember my tail is tucked into the hoodie I'm wearing. What if he feels it? I tense up as his hand reaches the middle of my back, I push out of his grasp as I look down and start fiddling with my hoodie strings.

"What's wrong?" he asks gently. I look up to meet his face, he's staring back at me with kind eyes and an understanding look.

"S-sorry" I mumble in response as I look back down.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," he smiles gently. "Are you feeling better now?" I look back up at him to respond.

"Yeah.. I just- I panicked for a moment," I look back down and start fiddling with my hands.

"I tried to wake you up in the car yesterday but you're a heavier sleeper than I thought" he scratched the back of his head as he lightly chuckled. My face goes red as I realize that he must've carried me inside.

"Sorry" I mumble as I cover my face with my hands. He laughs again as he sees my reaction. How embarrassing. I blame the cat-part of me for being so tired all of the time.

"What time is it?" I manage to ask through my hands. "Oh!" he exclaims as he pulls his left sleeve back to reveal an apple watch. "It's about 2 in the morning," my eyes widen.

I've been asleep for about 12 hours! I'm supposed to be meeting Sapnap and hanging out with Dream, but instead I've just been sleeping my arse off!

I move my head back down, if my ears were out now, they would definitely be pulled back. Thank gosh my beanie is still on my head.

"Uh, where's the restroom?" I shyly ask Dream as I lift my head back up slightly.

"It's the door outside in the hall to the right, it's actually connected to my room so be careful about the other door by the tub" he smiles at me kindly again.

"Thanks," I say as I swiftly stand up and try to make my way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me quickly, but quietly. If Sapnap's asleep, I don't want to wake him up.

Entering the bathroom, I go to close and lock the door connected to Dream's room, walking back to the mirror and taking my beanie off. My ears pop out and twitch a little after being covered for so long. Next time I'll lock my door so I don't have to sleep so uncomfortably.

After I finish what I'm doing, I unlock both doors and pull my hat back on as I slip back into my room. Dream is gone now so I can assume he's either downstairs or in his own room.

Even after sleeping for so long, I still feel tired as I crawl back into bed. I finally see my phone on the bedside table next to me, Dream must've put it there before he left because it wasn't in my hoodie pocket anymore when I woke up.

I start to lowly purr as I curl up under the covers again, content with how comfy and warm the bed is. Since it's only my first night, I decided to keep my beanie on and the door unlocked just in case something happens again. Not that I want Dream to comfort me again or anything.

I sigh as I close my eyes and already feel myself drifting. I'm really good at falling asleep quickly.

(Word Count: 906)

A/N: The chapter sizes are probably always going to be different! Thanks for the support! ^••^

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