ฅ Chapter 7 ฅ

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POV Dream

After messing like dumbasses in the water for a few minutes, Sapnap nudged me and pointed in George's direction. I look over to see him lying back on his towel with his eyes closed.

Looking back at Sap, he smirks at me before he starts creeping towards George. Oh boy, this definitely isn't going to end very well.

One of George's arms is resting on his stomach and the other is below his head as support before Sapnap runs over and picks him swiftly.

"SAPNAP!" he screams as he tries to squirm out of the grasp. "PUT ME DOWN!"

Sapnap starts carrying him towards the water. "I'M NOT JOKING PUT ME DOWWWNNN!" George latches onto him as they reach the shore, ankle-deep in water. I stand with my arms crossed, in the same level of water as Sap.

"SAPNAAAAPPPPPP!" He screams again. "OW WHAT THE FUCK?!" George is dropped immediately and hits the water with a screech, swiftly clambering himself out of the water and onto the sand. His hoodie looks slightly soaked but he doesn't make any moves to take it off, instead just pulling his hood tighter as he tucks his knees in.

"What the hell George! Did you scratch me??" Sapnap's looking at both of his arms as he starts to head back towards the shore. I turn to look back at George, who seems to be shivering now.

POV George

Why did he do that?! I was just minding my own business, about to take a nap, and he goes and tries to chuck me into the water. I didn't know what to do when we started to reach it, so my cat instincts kicked in and I scratched him...

I haven't scratched anyone since I was little. My parents used to get frustrated with me because that seemed to be a natural reaction I did when I was upset with someone, but I got it under control when I became a teenager.

Scrunching up further, I bury my face on my knees as Sapnap yells at me. My hoodie is soaked now so it's cold and I'm scared my features might be more noticeable. I think I'm shivering but I can't really tell because my brain is going at a hundred miles per hour.

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Dream worriedly looking down at me. Sapnap is behind him with almost a similar look on his face.

"Are you okay George?" Dream asks as he squats down next to me. Sapnap disappears for a second before coming back with a towel that Dream wraps around my shoulders. I nod before putting my head back down.

"I'm going back to the house." I say muffled before standing up and marching away to grab my phone from under the umbrella. I head towards the neighborhood without looking back, I don't need to see anymore disappointed faces.


Dream left the front door unlocked, so I slip inside the house and head straight up to my room. Quickly shutting and locking the door behind me, I rip off my hoodie and sigh as my tail stretches and my ears twitch. I fall back onto the bed and stare at the ceiling for a moment.

It's only my third day here and I already could've been discovered. Maybe I should just leave earlier? I could find a flight for tomorrow since Dream never booked a ticket back. I huff as I sit back up and decide to shower before they get here. Even if they did follow me back, they'd have to pack up all of the stuff first so that should give me some time.

Opening my door, I head to the bathroom and shut the door behind me, also shutting Dream's door too. I turn on the shower and wait a few minutes for it to heat up before I take off the swim trunks and step in.

I let the warm water hit my face as I sigh out of relief. It's no surprise that I'm not a fan of water, showers are fine as long as they're hot, but any cat wouldn't like being submerged into water.

My ears twitch in the running water, it feels so nice to have them out. I've started locking my door at night but I'm still too scared to take my hood or beanie off.

After I finish up I turn off the water and grab a towel from the closet in the bathroom, stepping out of the shower into the cool bathroom air. I look down at the sink and realize I forgot to grab dry clothes. Shit.

I walk up to the door and try to listen for any signs of anyone being home, I don't hear anything so maybe they're not here yet?

I walk back to the sink and wrap my towel around my waste, just below my tail. But as I'm about to turn and head out of the door, I hear a doorknob behind me click. Fuck.

(Word Count: 846)

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