ฅ Additional Chapter (3) ฅ

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POV George

As Dream and I know, lately Sap has been more closed off than he was before. It's more in the way that he's always on his phone texting or locked up in his room at his monitor. Of course we know who he's been talking to, but as of last night we agreed to confirm the reason as to why our best friend's attention has been taken away so drastically.

That being said, there's definitely something going on between him, Karl, and Quackity- and we're gonna find out soon. (Not forcefully of course, we'd never do that as his friends).


I was sitting at the counter watching Dream make some more pancakes for all of us when Sapnap trudges out of his room for the first time this morning. Though he already seems to be wide awake, and I'm going to assume he's been up for at least over an hour now already.

"Mornin' Sap," Dream says from the stove as Sapnap moves to open the fridge,

"Good mornin'" he responds muffled from inside of it.

"How'd you sleep?" Dream turns to face him for the first time this morning,

"Eh, pretty good." Sap replies while pulling himself from out of the fridge, a water bottle in hand, "K, see ya." He immediately turns out of the kitchen and heads right back to his room. Dream and I give each other the same look.


It's around dinner time when Sap comes out of his room again, Dream had ordered pizza and sent him a text saying it was here and to come out and eat. Thankfully Sapnap takes a seat on the other end of the couch from where I'm sitting on the other side of Dream.

He reaches forward and opens the last of the three boxes on the coffee table, a pizza Dream made sure had all of his favorite toppings.

"I was thinking we could just chill tonight and maybe watch a movie?" Dream suggests to no one in particular.

"Yeah sure, sounds great." This is the first time in a while that we've had his atten- nevermind he pulled out his phone. Dream audibly sighs as he moves to face me instead.

"How's your pizza?" He asks softly. I wait to finish chewing before responding.

"Really good," I smile at him reassuringly, but not about the pizza, "So what movie did you want to watch?" I ask him before he reaches forward to pick up the remote. I look over and see Sapnap shove the rest of his first slice into his mouth as he types one-handed with his phone.

"I'm not sure, Sapnap what do you think?" Dream turns to him again.

"I dunno, whatever you want." He doesn't look up from his phone. I can see a hint of frustration on Dream's face.

I've only been here a few days now but I can tell how much this situation has been escalating. No one in this house is a huge fan of confrontation so whenever something's wrong we always tend to try to hint to each other in obvious ways, unhurtful of course. But Sapnap's been so problematic that he hasn't even noticed the glare Dream has been giving him 24/7, it's painful to watch.

"Maybe we could watch that one," I say pointing to a random movie under the comedy section.

"Sure why not, never seen it before." Dream slightly mumbles his words, still loud enough to hear and understand. He moves up to the movie and selects it, immediately purchasing it and sitting back to let it play on the tv.

I look over and see Sapnap still typing on his phone. Huffing out, I turn back to the tv and lean back to rest more on Dream, settling myself under his left arm. I hear a gentle sigh leave his mouth above me.

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