ฅ Chapter 6 ฅ

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POV Dream

After spending the first few days with George at home, I've noticed more about him than I would through a call. To be fair, he's never actually turned his camera on, which I would question if I wasn't hiding too, but he seems like a different kind of reserved.

And that beanie...

He never takes it off. He wore it on the airplane, he wore it while he slept, and he's been wearing it all day. I mean, we're in Florida for crying out loud! He must be sweating!

It's the same with his hoodies and sweatpants too. I've not once seen him change his clothes to something that will accommodate the weather better.

I narrow my eyes at him while I sit on the couch. Currently, he's sat on the floor, almost laying down across from Sapnap, petting Patches who is on top of his stomach and chest, napping.. I've been on my phone on Twitter for a bit, but I keep getting distracted by the heat and the fact that I'm sure George must be dying.

"Why is it so hottttttt?" Sapnap whined as he dropped his weight back onto the floor. "I think the AC might be broken? I don't know I'll need to get it checked," I respond as I put my phone down, sinking myself further into the couch.

George stays silent as he continues petting Patches. "Aren't you dying George? You're literally like, dressed for winter" Sapnap questions as he sits himself back up.

Once again, George just stays silent and shrugs in response. What is up with him?

POV George

Holy hell it's hot, and that's a huge problem. Of course I am literally burning from wearing such warm clothes, but the cat part of me is taking over and making me way too relaxed and sleepy.

Over the past few days that I've been here, the house has just gradually been getting hotter and hotter. It was fine at first but now I'm at the point where I'm just constantly drowsy. And I'm pretty sure Patches feels the same way because I'll often see her lose her balance while she stands or tries to walk.

"Why is it so hottttttt?" Sapnap starts to annoyingly complain in front of me. I hear Dream speaking words from across the room but I'm so out of it that I don't even know what he says.

"Aren't you dying George? You're literally like, dressed for winter" Sapnap questions as he sits himself back up and gets too close to me. I shrug in response as I continue petting Patches.

"We should go to the beach!" I freeze up as Sapnap yells next to me. The beach? How am I supposed to hide my ears and tail at a beach? I don't think I've ever been to one, let alone own a swimming suit.

"That's actually a good idea," I finally hear Dream say as he stands up and walks past to grab something from the kitchen, "What do you think George?"

I sit there silently for a minute because, well, what am I meant to do? I don't want to go to the beach and I certainly won't be able to come up with a good excuse as to why.

"I guess," I respond quickly as it's been taking too long for me to. "Then it's decided!" Sapnap exclaims as he stands up with way too much energy and runs to his room to change.

"He's been surfing recently so he's probably excited to show off his new skills." Dream says, chuckling as he exits the kitchen with two cold water bottles. "Here," he says as he sets one down on the floor next to me, at this point I'm already sitting up with Patches still sitting on my lap.

"You might overheat if you continue dressing so warm," he smiles as he turns towards his room to change. I sigh as plop down backwards onto the floor, Patches still cuddling me. What am I meant to do?

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