ฅ Additional Chapter (4) ฅ

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POV Dream

It's now been three days since I announced the arrival of Karl and Quackity- though what I didn't mention is that they're not coming next week, they're coming this week. I figured it'd still be fun to include some elements of surprise for Sapnap.

Today, after some heavy discussion, the three of us had decided to plan to go play some laser tag soon. I'm not sure as to why George agreed to or thought it'd be an okay idea, but if he's okay with it then I trust him. He's also aware of Quackity and Karl's earlier arrival- and that they're also going to be going with us to play laser tag.

But first thing's first; we have to get them from the airport and help them settle in.


I'm leaning on the bathroom doorframe as I watch George adjust a beanie on his head in the mirror- he's carefully tucking his hair around to surround his ears. I don't think I've ever realized how much work he puts into trying to conceal himself.

His tail gently sways behind him though I don't think he notices with how focused he is on that beanie.

"Y'know I already couldn't see your ears the first minute you started doing that." I cross my arms as he spares me a glance.

"You never know what could happen," he turns back to the mirror, "It might get jostled around." The tip of his tail curls up playfully before dropping back down.

I push myself off the doorframe and appear behind him in the mirror, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him into me.

"I think they're going to be too distracted to notice there are cat ears under your beanie." I lean my head against the side of his as I meet his gaze in the mirror, "And even if they do, I'm sure they'll be just as happy with you as Sap and I are." I give him a peck on his cheek and pull away from him, ready to exit the bathroom before there's a tug on my arm. I turn to find the nervous expression of George looking up at me.

"What if..." He furrows his brows, "What if they won't be? What if they just think I'm a freak." He trails off as he says that. Without a second thought, I pull him towards me and envelop him in a hug.

"Don't think like that, you know our friends and we all know they're going to accept you no matter what, tail and all." I hear a muffled exhale by my chest.

"It's just scary," his arms tighten around me, "There's still a possibility they'll hate it and I'll ruin everything for everyone." I reach up to his shoulders and quickly push him a bit back to face me.

"You'd never ruin anything for anyone, and if they for some reason do have a problem with it, I know Sap wouldn't stand for it." I stare into his eyes, "We both care about you and won't let anything happen." He silently nods at me and I pull him in for another comforting hug.

"Woah- are you guys hugging without me?" I hear Sap complain from behind me.

I snort and open up one of my arms towards him to join in. He comes barreling in and we all lose our balance for a moment before stabling out, causing all three of us to start laughing.

"Alright! You guys ready for some laser tag?!" Sapnap chimes in excitedly and we all start to separate, I give George a knowing look and he nods back assuringly in response.

"Let's hit the road!" I chime back as we all exit the bathroom.

POV George

Sitting in the passenger seat, I glance over at Dream in the driver's seat. We've been waiting almost 10 minutes now for Sapnap in the backseat to notice that we've gone completely out of the way from where the laser tag arena is. By now we're already pulling up to the street that leads to the airport.

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