ฅ Chapter 11 ฅ

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POV George

It's already 8pm and I've locked myself in my room all day.

I don't think I could handle seeing Dream right now. And after earlier, I feel morbidly embarrassed around Sapnap. So that leaves me and my phone together alone, in the comfort of my bed.

I sigh as I continue scrolling through Tiktok. Almost all of the videos on my fyp are videos about Dream and I, and I doubt I'll be able to escape it on Twitter. I've been doing this for hours now so I finally decide to put my phone down and instead, stare at the ceiling like usual.

I'm so tired of having to hide everyday. And it's not exactly comfortable having to constantly keep my tail under my hoodie, even when I sleep because of the moments Dream comes into my room. I've considered locking my door, but I still get scared and proceed to keep the hoodie on anyway so what's the point in that.

I sigh as I hug one of the pillows. I feel as though this trip hasn't really gone anywhere. It hasn't exactly been bland... but it feels slightly uneventful. Maybe I'm just disappointed that nothing happened earlier, I know I'm not one to deny my own feelings.

There's a light scratching coming from right outside my door, so I stand up to go open it, only to find Patches looking up at me with a small meow. I let her in and crack the door closed, just in case she needs to get out again.

I plop back down onto the bed, Patches following right after me. She climbs up by my head and starts nuzzling my neck and chin again while purring. I sigh and close my eyes as I pet her in return. It's almost sad to know that the only person around me that understands my problem is her, but at least she's being nice about it.

I start to purr as I slowly drift off into sleep, Patches still nuzzling herself against me. I can't wait for this trip to be over with, but at least I can enjoy her presence while it lasts.

POV Dream

George has been locked in his room for the rest of the day, and personally, I don't blame him. This morning was really interesting, to say the least. And I think he needs a bit more space before any time of confrontation.

Currently I'm sitting in the living room with Sapnap, a random documentary show about murders playing in the background as we both scroll through Twitter. We've also been streaming back and forth like normally, well mostly Sap has, and we haven't mentioned anything about the meetup.

It's almost been a week now since George has been here, and I'm scared I made him uncomfortable. I might've stepped over a boundary this morning and I really hope he doesn't hate me for it. But I also really hope I'm taking this situation the wrong way. Why do things have to be so complicated sometimes?

"How's the pool coming along?" Sapnap breaks the silence by asking me.

"It's good, should be done tomorrow after I skim it," I respond, "I also opened and cleaned the jacuzzi as well." Sapnap gets visibly excited.

"Woo!" He says, pumping a fist in the air. The hot tub also hasn't been used in a while either so I figured I might as well clean it while I'm at it. Maybe it could even help George relax? Since he hasn't been doing much of that here clearly.

I still don't understand why he's such a secretive person. It's almost endearing how mysterious he is. I still don't know why he hides his hair, or why he only wears hoodies, why he sleeps so much, and how Patches is so freaking attached to him. It's like Patches was never my cat in the first place.

I sigh as I lean back into the couch. It's already 7:30pm and the only reason George has come out of his room was to get food, which we didn't even see him get. The only reason I know that is because of the chocolate raisins that went missing from the pantry.

As I stand up I let out an audible yawn.

"Alright Sap, I'm heading in for an early night," I say heading out of the living room. He waves me off as I walk up the stairs, Patches following close by.

Getting an idea as I reach the top of the stairs, I scoot Patches closer to George's door. She sniff underneath the door crack for a second before starting to paw and lightly scratch at the door. I smile as I hear light footsteps approaching the door and dip into my room to hide behind the wall.

His door creaks open and I can hear him softly cooing at Patches as she marches her way in as if she's done it a thousand times. The door shuts behind him and I can only assume they're gonna be cuddling together in the bed. I don't think I've ever been so jealous of someone before, let alone an animal. Maybe we'll get there eventually?

(Word Count: 869)

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