ฅ Chapter 18 ฅ

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POV Dream

As we finally got back to the house, I was hoping we wouldn't have to explain what happened yet to Sapnap. Call me selfish, but I just wanted George to myself for tonight.

As we stood in the living room, I noticed he was standing behind me, seeming like he might've actually been hiding from Sap, who had just gotten distracted again so I leaned down and asked him to come to my room, to which he surprisingly said yes.

I decided to just bring his suitcase to my room in my own hopes that he'd sleep in here with me, and he didn't question it either. I plopped down onto my bed and patted the spot next to me, signaling for him to come join me. But as he sat down, I noticed a bit of movement on his back, under his hoodie. I can't believe he has a tail. Does he really hide it in there constantly? His ears too? I can't imagine how that feels.

"Are you uncomfortable keeping your hoodie on like that?" I finally decide to ask, hoping I didn't push it. He looks down and scratches the back of his neck.

"Well, it's not exactly comfortable.." he shrugs, eyes seemingly trained onto the floor.

"You can be yourself more freely around me now y'know," I blurt out, hoping he understands what I'm implying, "nothing I haven't exactly seen before."

He stops for a minute as he looks to be lost in thought, probably contemplating on what to do next.

"I wont judge, I promise." I add, speaking softly as I gaze at him, "I just want you to feel comfortable around me." A small smile takes my face.

He looks up and meets my eyes, his own seem to widen a bit as he's come to some kind of realization. The next thing I know, he lifts his arms up and slowly pulls his hood off, revealing his ears letting his tail untuck itself from his hoodie. My eyes light up as it swishes around calmly and his ears twitch a bit, but his face drops in uncertainty.

Hesitantly, I grip his chin gently to turn his head towards me, forcing his eyes to meet mine as I soften my stare.

"Y'know, you look cuter with ears and a tail." I point out, completely catching him off guard and causing him to blush profusely. He rips away from my hold and buries his face in his hands.

"Don't say things like that," I hear him say, muffled by his hands.

"Why? Cause it's true?" I smile smugly at him when he gets even more flustered, but immediately drop it when he whacks me and I fall back into the headboard, banging my head on it.

"Fuck," I shut my eyes and grasp my head, trying to soothe the pain.

"Shit! Are you okay?" He sounds concerned.

"Nothing I haven't done before." I answer to try to calm him, opening my eyes as well. But as soon as I do, my face heats up as a blush takes over. George is currently straddled over my waist, his ass almost touching my crotch.

It seems he notices my face as he tilts his head in confusion, apparently not yet realizing the position until he follows my line of sight, his own blush creeping onto his face.

Immediately, he tries to scramble off but I think his knee slipped because the next moment he faceplants on top of me, face against my chest and legs intertwined with mine. I swear I heard the smallest purr as his face hit my chest.

"If you want to cuddle, you could've just asked Gogy." I quip at him before

I feel him freeze up again. I wrap my arms around him and pull him down closer before he has the chance to pull away.

Normally I wouldn't do something so touchy, in case it would make him uncomfortable, but with the current situation I could just tell he's more than fine with it with the way he keeps reacting.

I reach my hand up and start to gently brush through his hair until I get a thought. If George really is like a cat, does that mean he loves the same thing that a cat would? Patches has a soft spot behind her ear and if I were to pet her there, she would usually melt into a puddle of purrs and cuddling.

I stop what I'm doing and move my hand up to behind one of his ears, gently start to scratch. I hear his breath hitch as a purr catches in his throat and I feel a rumbling come from his chest. I move my hand to his other ear and he starts to nuzzle his head into my chest. My heart warms at the sight and feeling.

This lasts quite a while until the nuzzling dies down and his purrs start to come out in light, even breaths, proving he's fallen asleep. I close my eyes and let myself slowly start to drift off as I think, happy that I know now that this is the real George.

(Word Count: 863)

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