ฅ Chapter 2 ฅ

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George POV

It's 2:47pm and I still haven't gotten out of bed. Being part cat not only gives me physical cat traits, but also behavioral unfortunately. Which means I sleep a lot more than a normal person would, hence why I'm constantly tired.

It's already Tuesday and my flight is tomorrow, but I still haven't packed yet. I still don't know what I'm gonna do or how I'm gonna be able to hide my ears and tail. What am I gonna do if I start purring? How am I supposed to explain that??

I sigh as I roll out of bed to go get something to eat. I also haven't really spoken to Dream since that night, scared that I'm gonna disappoint him anymore than I probably already have.

How can someone like me ever compare to someone as perfect as him? He has charm and even though I haven't seen him yet, I already know he has looks. He doesn't know what I look like, in fact no one does, but surely when he sees me he'll be disappointed. Who wouldn't be when I have two cat ears and a dumb tail sticking out of me.

As I open the fridge door I look over to the clock on the oven and notice it's already 3pm. I really need to get packing.

I grab the milk and decide on a small bowl of cereal. With all the nerves I have building up, I don't think I could stomach anything more.

After two hours of procrastinating more, I find myself on my bedroom floor with piles of clothes and an open suitcase, packing accordingly with items I could use to cover my unfortunate features.

Currently I have been living alone in a one-bedroom home, no one comes in, and I hardly ever go out. I get most of my food and groceries delivered to my door, and when I need to leave I'll find a quick way to cover up.

It's been like this ever since I was born, my parents always tried to be supportive but kept me hidden away most of the time. I was always homeschooled, and when I finally turned 18, I moved out and was able to afford my own place.

I slam my suitcase shut and zip it up before I roll it right next to my bedroom door. With a yawn, I climb back into bed and curl myself up under the covers, a purr rumbling up to express my much-needed comfort.

This is gonna be the longest week of my life.


It's 10:45am as I sit at my terminal in the airport. The flight to Orlando from here is about 9 hours, but with the time difference it'll be about 2pm when I land. Great. I send one last text to Dream to let him know I'm boarding and shove my phone into the pocket of my hoodie.

I've always hated public places, especially because of my heightened senses with the amount of people that are around me. Currently my hearing is a little muffled with the way my ears are tucked under both my beanie and hoodie, but that doesn't mean the people around me have to be any louder.


I wake up to the loud sound of the engine and the feeling of the plane roughly landing. I take out my phone and check to see that it's already 2:13, which means Dream should already be here.

I feel my nerves bubbling up again at the thought of meeting Dream. He was right there. In this very airport, waiting for me. I feel like I'm gonna puke.

After finally getting off the plane, I find my way to the baggage claim area, following the large crowd of people that got off the flight before me. Dream told me he'd be in his signature green smile hoodie, and I've told him I'd be in my own merch. After grabbing my bag I look up and around to see if I could possibly spot him. Without knowing what he looks like, or without him knowing what I look like, this might be a little difficult.

All of the sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder which causes me to violently jump. Turning around, I come face to face with the most charming and attractive man I have ever seen. My eyes widen as his green, (yellowish), eyes meet mine.


I recognize that voice. I look down and notice the big smile on his, what I assume to be green, hoodie.

"Dream?" His eyes light up immensely to the sound of his name coming from my voice. Next thing I know I'm wrapped up in two arms and pulled into his chest. He's so warm. I wrap my arms around him and sink into the hug until I feel a purr threatening to escape. My breath hitches and I shove myself out of his arms, catching myself before I fall.

When we make eye contact again, I can see a hint of sadness in his eyes. Shit. He probably thinks I didn't like the hug. I furrow my brows as I look down in guilt.

He clears his throat as he breaks the silence, "We should probably get out of here, I think people are starting to stare at us"

I look around and notice that there are in fact a few people looking. My cheeks flush pink and I think Dream noticed because next thing I know he's obnoxiously giggling at my reaction.

"Yeah we should probably go.." I mumble. Dream grabs the handle of my suitcase and motions for me to follow him out to his car as I manage to compose myself. I don't think I'm ready for this.

Dream POV

George is coming.

I've been anxiously sitting at a bench in the airport near the baggage claim, my leg crazily bouncing as I look around frantically. He said he would be wearing his own merch, as I am, so all I need to do is find that small red square on the front of his hoodie.

And that's when I see him. Standing in the entrance of baggage claim is a slightly shorter boy with brown hair and brown eyes I could probably lose myself in for days. I figured he was attractive, but he's on a whole 'nother level of downright gorgeous.

I hastily stand up and start making my way towards him as he reaches down to pull his suitcase off the carousel. I put a hand on his shoulder and he jumps, startling him from his train of thoughts. He turns around and I swear I see a hint of some kind of strange emotion in his eyes.

When we make eye contact, it's like the world around us has slowed down to a stop, and nothing else in this moment matters. After a few moments of staring, I start to notice people around us leaving with their luggage.


I can tell when he snaps out of it, looking down at my hoodie for a split second before moving his gaze back up to my face.


Hearing my name come from his voice, in person, is so different from hearing it through my headphones. I grab him and pull him into the biggest hug I could, squeezing him against my chest. I feel him melt into the hug as he wraps his own arms around my back.

I don't know how long we stood there, but next thing I know he's shoving himself out of my arms, about to fall and lose his balance before he catches himself.

Did he not like the hug? I try to keep a straight face as he makes eye contact with me again and suddenly looks down at his feet, like they're the most interesting thing in the world.

I clear my throat as I notice people are starting to look in our direction. "We should probably get out of here, I think people are starting to stare at us"

His head shoots up as he finally sees the environment around us. I can't help but laugh when I see a light shade of pink tint his cheeks. That is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Yeah we should probably go.." I hear him mumble under his breath. I grab the handle of his suitcase and start to head in the direction of the door my car is parked by, motioning for him to follow.

I can't wait for the rest of this week.

(Word Count: 1436)

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