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I slept all day and the minute I woke, I came over to Jordan's as promised to take care of Bella. She and I played a little, ate a little and then she colored in her coloring book while I was on my phone hoping to hear from Marcus. Just as I get her to sleep I sit in front of the television to watch a movie. Marcus calls me and I feel the slightest flutter in my chest. I'm happy he called I got a little worried when he hadn't reached out. I was hoping he'd text me after I texted him. I only said it's Maia but I had hoped he'd say something witty or charming as he had all night.

"Hi." I gush into the phone, you can practically hear my excitement and it is so embarrassing.

"Sounds like you are as happy to hear from me as I am to hear your voice."

My heart is doing that fluttering thing, "You could say that."

"How's baby Bella?"

"Asleep and beautiful as ever, she's been nothing short of perfect."

He chuckles, "I slept the entire morning away and nearly missed the best opportunity for work. But if I had missed it, I think it would have been totally worth it. I've been thinking about you all day. I went to sleep thinking about you and then woke up thinking about you. You're quite the distraction, it's causing quite a problem."

I mute the phone and allow the feelings his words send me to pass throughout my body. When he says all these nice things I feel happy and nervous all in one. For the briefest of moments I wanted to compare him to Eric. But I choose not to, they're not the same. Eric and I are done and there is no reason to bring him into this. 

 "I feel a little nervous like you've been wanting to meet me for a while. I hope I live up to your expectations."

"Well you see your voice is much softer and raspier than I could've imagined. It's incredibly sexy by the way. I've been wondering what you'd be like but you just keep getting better than I could have fantasized."

He's so forward about his feelings and says everything not hiding a thing. Something about it is making me feel like I'm not in reality. Oh my gosh, why am I reacting this way? This is not the first time I've been given compliments nor is he the first or second man to like me. For the life of me I can't seem to understand why his words affect me this way. I feel like I'm back in high school crushing over some boy who did one nice thing for me. But I can tell he's different, unlike any man that has ever shown interest in me. 

Once again we are talking non stop about all sorts of things. He asks me about food and goes on and on about a restaurant he wants to take me to. Then we veer off into music apparently he loves hip hop and has a secret affair with pop. I laughed when he started singing Jessie J Domino. He makes the air around me feel lighter and I'm certain I'm neck deep in some sort of fictitious story. Nothing about this man feels real almost making me think I should keep him a secret just a little longer. Just then I hear the jingle of their keys and hushed voices from the other side of the door. Being that I haven't told Jordan yet, I attempt to rush off the phone.

"Marcus..." I say trying to end the call.

"Oh wow can you say that again?"

"Marcus?" I repeat sounding whiny, trying not to panic.

He lets out a breath and says, "I think I could hear you say my name over and over."

I laugh, "Stop, I have to get off, they're back now."

He sighs, "Okay are we on for tomorrow? I have this great place I'm looking forward to taking you."

"Yes, definitely I'll see you tomorrow." I nod as if he can see; hanging up the phone quickly not even wanting to look at the way Jordan is side eyeing me.

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