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Eric's POV

"Please fuck me."

Wait what did she say? She's kissing me, her skin is on fire, as she practically thrusts herself onto me. Why is she kissing me? Does she know it's me? Is she okay? Why would I even be asking questions at a time like this? Just as my lips relax into it I pull back. No, I'm not going there we are finally friends and that's all it is. I look her over, her hair is down but her eyes are all wild and doe like her lips are puffy. Her shirt is practically falling off and her jeans are unbuttoned but she could've just gone out to eat and the shirt could be in style. She definitely doesn't have the I've been fucked look on her face. Her eyebrows drop and her eyelashes bat as she looks up at me, oh god she's repeating herself.

"Please Eric, please have sex with me just finish me off."


Clearing my throat, instead I ask, "Maia, what's going on?"

She sighs leaning up against the door, "I had sex and I didn't finish and I haven't had sex in so long and I got all worked up and he finished too soon." She groans and whines like a frustrated little baby. I have to admit she's really cute when she's frustrated.

She's pouting her bottom lip hangs and her eyebrows furrow looking so sad its adorable. She leaves from in front of me back down the hall to grab the things she dropped. She's stepping heavily like a pouty little girl and I'm a little amused by all this. Coming back to open the door, I move out of her way and she struggles jingling the keys in the door. She used to get this way when I would hold out.

She looks me once over, "Were you planning on drinking again?"

Her gaze lowers and I can feel my smirk spread. That is until I look at my hand; she's looking at the bottle I had forgotten I was even holding it. The heavy metal door opens and her studio apartment is just as she left it, bed unmade, pajamas on the floor and she still has the invite on her nightstand.

"Well we drank up your last bottle thought I'd bring you another to make up for it." I focus my gaze on her and she's not even paying me any attention. She's lost in her own thoughts, she pulls her hair up and throws herself onto the couch.

"Sorry I even asked, but technically this is all your fault anyway I can't enjoy regular good sex because the guys don't last long or they miss the target." She drops her things onto the couch and looks around before stomping off into the kitchen, "Now look at me sexually frustrated and finishing myself off all the time."

She comes back in with glasses and snatches the bottle from my hand and starts opening the bottle. I can't help but smile this woman, she is so cute and effects my heart and mind without even trying.

"What are you doing? Come sit down and drink!" She shouts and I find myself eager to please.

"What happened that's got you slandering and blaming me?"

"Marcus and I did the deed I'm working him it's going great—" She pauses drinking the entire glass of wine, "then he went in and was done." I smile refraining from laughing, this poor girl. I clench my teeth refraining from saying anything too offensive. Doesn't he know how to cater to a woman in the bedroom?

"I don't need the nipple clamps but just some different positions and some fingering or licking I'm not opposed to tongue." She sighs and pours herself more.

"I know you're not." Shit, I meant to think that.

She laughs and drinks the glass before sighing, "I plan on finishing myself off, I'm sorry I asked you to do it. Thank you for being strong for us both and saying no."

"I wouldn't have agreed...despite what you might think I don't condone cheating."

"He and I aren't in a committed relationship so technically this wouldn't be cheating unlike when we were married and you were having sex with Aurora."

"I'm sorry I did that to you...somehow in my mind I made excuses that it wasn't that kind of  relationship it was just Dom and sub situationship but I was wrong. Look at you now you've got Marcus so be happy with him and just teach him how to work you."

She nods, "You're right and I really wan this to work this time."

I really wish we could have worked, that we could have overcome anything. I wish that my stupidity didn't leave me

"Drink up I'm going to get in my bed and work my favorite toy, please see yourself out."

I'm tempted to stay I know just what she's going to use. Her favorite is the wand, she's got a glow in the dark wand that gets her off faster than any other toys she's got. I'd like to hear her moans and watch the way she arches her back. I know if she would've preferred to use some of my toys over her own. The clit stimulator and the wand at once would certainly finish her off.

I can feel my heart rate accelerate and the image of her naked body seizing as I—


She looks up at me, her doe eyed gaze is weakening my already weak reserve. I need to leave but I feel like I wish to help, to ease her frustrations and to tantalize the parts of her that make her scream into the air. It's been a while since I seen the beautiful art that is the naked woman. The voluptuous curve from the ribs to the waist down to those hips. The way the breast can perk up when it's exposed to the cold air. The exquisite goosebumps that form with excitement.

"Mr. Blackman you're holding up progress."

"I want to help you..."

The words leave my tongue just as the thought crosses my brain. I look up at her and she looks away as if she's about to laugh. Her reaction manages to relax me, Maia knows I would have helped her and she probably thinks my offering is sweet. She doesn't need me though maybe before she did. She's come to settle her ravenous thoughts and needs besides she's not like me. She's much purer no matter how I've tainted her she's still inclined towards love and a single partner. I wish that for her.

"Goodbye Eric!"

Rising from my place on the sofa I head towards the door, wishing to catch even the smallest of her moans or seeing the delectable o shoppers of her lips; that look just before she's about to finish. Her eyes low and her mouth ajar something about her lashes on those eyes. Standing outside her door, I can feel myself slipping. Wishing to see, the naked body the round of her specificities. Her body I have become so familiar with, just to catch a whiff of her scent would be enough. Recalling the smallest moment in the restaurant the scent of her and the peck of her lips to my cheek. I've missed her more than I have allowed myself to realize. I'm smart enough to know I should stay here as I am. A man in the sidelines of her life merely because I am only harming her with my own self sabotage.

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