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Stepping out of the shower I tie my wet hair up reeling over the fact that he still has yet to officially have sex with me. After a certain time I'm sure I'll get past the urge to have something stuck up there just to fill that void. Wrapping my towel around my body I walk out into the bedroom and lie beside him in the bed. Looking at Eric I notice his wet hair and the way he's looking at his phone, staring at it deeply. His gaze is so focused it's making me nervous.

"Everything okay?"

He smiles up at me, "You look absolutely beautiful when you're all wet."

"You're deflecting aren't you?"

He locks his jaw before pulling me into the bed his hand resting on my thigh. They're so smooth and soft but becoming slightly more used. The things he does with his fingers...painting, cooking, and inside me. Thinking my deliciously riveting thoughts I can feel myself grinning blushing no doubt I can feel the heat in my cheeks. He kisses my forehead and leans back against the pillows when his phone rings. He ends the call and quickly recovers.

"You know baby this has truly been fun even without sex." I say regaining our focus.


"Yeah I know—" I start.

He crawls on top of me, "You just took all the fun out of it."

Only for the phone to ring yet again interrupting what could have finally been it. He ends it trying to get back in that moment with me. But now I'm far too concerned about who is insistently calling him while on our honeymoon wedding day. Peaking over to see if perhaps it will start ringing again to my dismay it does.

"Eric just answer your phone."

He sighs frustratedly, "It's Aurora."

My face drops, "She's got a lot of nerve that one."

I pick up his phone knowing that I would not to like what I saw. He's pleading with me to ignore it but I've already decided, so I answer. This woman isn't going to give up and I would love for her to see that he wants me. He and I are married I won and she lost. The skinny bit he's don't always win first.

Her deep voice bellows in a voluptuous way, "I am calling on your honeymoon and still you pick up so it seems she isn't—"

I reply, "It's me Maya."

She clears her throat "Well Maia I hate to break the news to you. I see he doesn't want to speak with me now but it's about Mag's." My heart shatters and I have to be the one to tell him. She continues on to say to me "He's going to need me now more than ever."

I end the call putting the phone on the bed, "Eric..."

"You shouldn't have even answered she just wants to tear us apart."

I try to hold it together but I know once I say these words he's going to be crushed. What was to be the best day ever will certainly become the worst for him. I sit up facing him grabbing a hold of his hand. My hand is trembling in his because I know once I say this our fairytale ends. We'll officially be out of this bubble and back into the reality that is our lives.

"Eric we have to go, Aurora was calling because something happened to Mags. I didn't ask any questions I'm sure you can call the hospital and find—"

Before I can finish he's picking up the phone and calling people leaving the bed and going off to talk. I begin to pack our things and text Jordan to let them know we'd be leaving. For the short time I've gotten to know Mags I know that she's everything to Eric. If it weren't for her there would be no him. She raised him the best way she knew how, she shaped him and molded him.

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