Chapter 1- A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me. What to Do?!

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It was the midst of winter; a breath of cold air was like a glass of water left on a chilly night, down your throat, giving you a chest stuffed of coldness, making people shiver from inside out. With this kind of weather, there were few people on the streets, the warm glow by the roadside from the Coffee Shop was more dusky than usual.

The girl at the counter, while skillfully taking orders, couldn't help but also glance by the corner of her eyes at the man by the window.

There were many customers that evening; the cold weather certainly was one of the reasons, but I'm afraid one of the bigger reasons would be that young man sitting in front of the glass window.

He was really handsome, it was hard to imagine being able to see such good-looking people out of the big screen.

Wearing just but the most simple creamy-white wool shirt, but because of the soft texture and colour lining his facial features seemed more sophisticated. In the Coffee Shop under the warm golden light, the lighting bathing his handsome face gave an ethereal feeling; common people could help but want to take a few more glances.

The clerk girl definitely wasn't the only one having such thoughts, regardless of customers or waiters; no one was an exception at the Coffee Shop.

It obviously wasn't nice to be stared at on such a casual or careless way. The young man grabbed the cup of caramel macchiato in front of him, looking at the thick caramel and thick milk foam people felt sickly sweet, but he did drink it clean, and looking at his demeanour he seemed to think it wasn't (sweet) enough.

The girl was looking forward for him to renew his cup, but unfortunately, he got up and left, probably the number of times she peeked at him was too much and it bothered him? But she really couldn't help it, the girl holding her cheek thought to herself: Why do such good-looking people don't join the entertainment business?

Outside of the Coffee Shop, while walking on a deserted street, Bai Yue Sheng faced that same problem.

Neat suit, hair combed back, with a shrewd face; that was how the man he was stopped by was: "Hello Sir, I'm going to take the liberty to introduce myself; I'm a scout from Star Entertainment, I have observed you for a long time, I think you have great potential, would you be interested in joining our team?"

Bai Yue Sheng voice showed alienation and indifference: "Sorry, I'm not interested."

The witty man quickly said: "This is my business card. Start Entertainment is a big company. I can connect you to the headquarters, get the gold manager to handle you, introduce you to veteran movie actor Bo Lun and the likes, make you the next big star..."

"I can't sing nor act, I don't want to make money by becoming famous, is that clear enough?"

That scout obviously had never encountered such a situation. But the face of that young man was too good-looking, such face by itself, if he missed that chance it would be hard to come across such great deal again, so he patiently said: "Can judge your talent after you sing a song, also, acting can be cultivated, you have that kind of vibe looks..."

"Oh, this face..." Bai Yue Sheng very calmly said, "For the whole thing, I spent hundreds of thousands."

Scout: "..."

Bai Yue Sheng said very seriously: "I have the doctor's phone here, do you need me to write it down?"

In the end, it wasn't the Scout's first rodeo, how would he be easy to scare off? He quickly said: "Since you have spent so much time fixing your face, presumably you would want for more people to see it, so, why not..."

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