Chapter 17 - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me. What to Do?!

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The scene before his eyes was both familiar and foreign. It was familiar because these lands were established by Bai YueSheng personally. He had lead his elven followers away from the elven clan's homeland, leaving the clan's strict rules and instead advocating a life of freedom. He abandoned the old dogmas and arrogance, and allowed the elves to live a different kind of life.

Although afterwards they were called "dark elves" by later generations but even they couldn't deny the continuous growth and rapid development of the dark elves was something that could not be matched by regular elves.

{T/N: I previously translated as "night elves", changed now to dark elves.}

The foreign part was because Bai YueSheng had left this world for too long. It was such a long time that he had already buried everything into the deep recesses of his memory. Although he did not forget it, he only treated it as a past lifetime and thought he would never see it again.

But who knew... that he would come back.

He had to returned to this place of fragrant rosin, the Sienn continent where two golden suns shone in the bright blue sky.

Ah Jiu's voice was in his head: "The Sienn continent. The sixth world you travelled to. The mission was to find the golden dragon. Your completion grade was double SS, after you finished you received a reward."

Bai YueSheng: "... Lord Jiu, please move on the important matter at hand."

Ah Jiu knew what he was concerned about: "The promotion mission hasn't been failed, it has only been paused. Your return to the Sienn continent should be because you triggered a side mission."

"Is it like this..." Bai YueSheng sighed.

He had encountered many side missions. Although he had never encountered one which involved changing worlds, but he had already encountered so many bizarre things during this promotion mission that he no longer found it too surprising.

As long as the promotion mission hadn't been failed then Bai YueSheng would continue bearing it.

He then asked, "What about the requirement to maintain an ordinary life?" In the Sienn continuent he was a infamous elven "traitor". The him that was a self-proclaimed King naturally couldn't be described with the word "ordinary".

Not to mention the wealth restriction, his fame was already widespread in the Sienn continent. It definitely couldn't be under the 10,000 point restriction!

Ah Jiu said: "The requirements only apply to Earth."

Bai YueSheng relaxed with relief. So it was like this.

"Then what is the information for the side mission?"

Ah Jiu: "There's no mission hints."

Bai YueSheng: "..."

Ah Jiu was a very experienced system however and so very quickly was able to gather some useful information. "Just before you said to Neil Maine "Let's go home", these should be the words that triggered the side mission. So this side mission should be related to Neil Maine. Also... you probably need to complete the side mission in order to return to Earth to continue the main mission."

Bai YueSheng: "I think maybe..."

Ah Jiu was too familiar with him: "Why don't you try it?"

Bai YueSheng said seriously: "But he has two penises, I'm scared of dying on the bed."

Ah Jiu: Hehe. Isn't one of the goals of you human's lives to be f**ed to death?

{T/N: Ah Jiu, where have you been doing your human studies?!}

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