Chapter 3-A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me. What to Do?!

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Holy f*cking hell!

Jeremy? Shouldn't he be rightfully sitting at his throne on another world's Galactic Empire, how come he is here?

Bai Yue Sheng's small and tender white face became even whiter from the shock.

Jiang Ming also became aware of the strange mood; he slightly turned his head, when he saw the strange man, his whole person severely shook at once.

Such fear-inducing enormous power, such pair of pitch-black eyes like the ones of a hawk, the moment he made eye-contact, Jiang Ming found himself feeling as if someone was strangling him; it was as if he was standing under a guillotine, feeling fearful of the blade chopping his head at any moment.

He couldn't speak, not even a word came out of his mouth.

It was impossible to understand it if you had never experienced it, such formidable spirit suppression would cause a person to completely collapse.

Bai Yue Sheng came back to his senses. He single-handedly brought Jeremy up, he naturally knew his prowess. Jiang Ming was only an ordinary person, he simply couldn't resist Jeremy's mind invasion; if it went on like that Jiang Ming would die.

But he couldn't die! Jian Ming was the only son of the woman who controlled the whole Xuri Group, if he died it would definitely become a huge happening! And if a such huge event occurred Bai Yue Sheng who was around would be associated with it, it also went against the "ordinary" category.

A light flickered on his eyes, Bai Yue Sheng raised his hand, his white slender fingertips seemed as if they were surrounded by a soft thin light, the light was extremely faint, however, it was the kind of gentleness that could counter the strong, after it entered Jian Ming's glabella he fell into an unreal fantastical illusion, the unsightly shivering young man closed his eyes and fell limp on Bai Yue Sheng's arms.

Bai Yue Sheng wasn't short, about average, but his physique leant to slender, so he always gave off a sense of weakness, but at this moment he was holding a big man with one hand and didn't even frown in the least.

But Jeremy frowned slightly.

Bai Yue Sheng's heart skipped a beat, quickly letting go, the fainted third young master Jiang in such fashion was ruthlessly thrown away, the cold earth welcoming his face with a kiss.

Jeremy's demeanour was still crispy cold: "Who is he?"

Bai Yue Sheng took a deep breath: "An ordinary person."

Jeremy looked at him with a blank face: "Are you two going out?"

"Of course not!" Bai Yue Sheng and Jeremy went together through thick and thin for nearly a hundred years, how the temperament of His Majesty the Emperor was he couldn't be more familiar with, now with this little misbehaviour, every minute his task was closer to becoming sh*t.

Jeremy didn't say a word, he just stood there silently, while mixed with the weather of winter a cold wind blew, the jet black cloak at his back flapped, the precious material contained a tremendously great power, if it slightly leaked a bit, the city would be blown into debris.

Bai Yue Sheng thought for a moment, he remembered that cloak also was something he personally made for him; he spent a full two years, it was made from the compressed core-stone of the whole Cronus planet.

The day Jeremy was crowned as Emperor, Bai Yue Sheng sent it as a gift.

–It was also a parting gift.

Bai Yue Sheng was fond of that cloak, after all, it was one of his finest creations, although he missed it and thought he would never get to see it again, he didn't expect that...

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