Chapter 30 - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me, What to do??!

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Bai YueSheng's mood was very complicated.

He had always thought he had raised a wolf in sheep's clothing but the result was this wolf really was as a whiter than a sheep, it may has well have been a Samoyed dog.

Although he didn't think he had done anything necessarily wrong but somehow through a series of misunderstandings, the ending had become like this. And he needed to accept a certain responsibility.

For starters he had never thought De Mo was that kind of crazy woman. Actually based on his capability if he had paid more attention to Lance while he was growing up, then he definitely would have discovered a lot of problems. Then the situation would have been able to nipped in the bud early, and not caused the resulting tragedy.

However it was impossible for Bai YueSheng to have paid a lot of attention to Lance at that time. It was not in line with his personality and wasn't something he would have done.

Even so the ending with the Qing Lan fruit was still too illogical. The result of using too much emotions is that the mind would collapse from the strain. At that time his anger was so great he could only think about how to kill this despicable bastard.

Afterwards when effect of the drug had taken over, he had completely not heard the reasons Lance given and when he woke up he immediately drove him away in anger.

Not to mention Lance's love had always been so timorous, even lovers of equal status would be heartbroken and lose their soul when faced with words like that.

De Mo had seized the opportunity to come between them. She had first pushed Lance's psyche into an extreme state and then finally at the end fully provoked him so it would awaken the mark of destruction and cause him to murder all of the Gods.

Actually at that time Lance probably was aware that he should calm down. He was aware of De Mo's plot, aware that her purpose was to push him into destroying himself. The combination of the Shi Incense and the Qing Lan fruit probably wasn't to promote lust alone but also to make people lose their reason.

Probably he had considered the fact that Bai YueSheng might not have heard his explanations. Perhaps there was some way to cover up the past, after all all the people who had witnessed it were now dead.

With this kind of thoughts, Lance wanted to see him once more.

And then he had seen Bai YueSheng.

The Bai YueSheng whose eyes were filled with disappointment and fear, the Bai YueSheng who had given up on his own life.

Even if at that time Bai YueSheng wasn't dead then Lance definitely would not have imprisoned him, but the tragedy was he wasn't given the opportunity to show it.

Instead Bai YueSheng's suicide pushed him into an eternal abyss.

What the hell was all this?!

Bai YueSheng's head felt as though it had swollen to double its size. "Is this some kind of test given to me by the promotional mission? It's too insane!"

Ah Jiu: "....."

Bai YueSheng really couldn't accept it. "This is bullying behaviour. I feel very wronged ah!"

"Er...." Ah Jiu didn't say anything for half a moment and then finally, "It's all because you're too beautiful."

Bai YueSheng, "....." Right now was it too late to apply to change the system? They couldn't get along anymore!

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