Chapter 25 - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me, What to do??!

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The same events but from seen from different perspectives, you would find another side to things.

For example Bai YueSheng felt like he had treated Lance Steen pretty well. But sometimes this kind of shallow regard might not be better than no regard at all.

Midgard existed above the Nether Sea, it was a floating island. It relied on the unlimited power of the gods to raise itself above the ground, leaving behind the violent titans, creating a peaceful land belonging to the gods.

Lance Steen was born in a very ordinary family of gods. Or a better term would have been humble. Because his mother was a disparaged demigod (a mix blood born from a god and a human) and his father was also a low-level god whose only skill was smelting. With this he was barely able to support the living expense of the two of them.

So when Lance was born he didn't bring his parents any happiness but instead brought them only calamity.

Every time one of the Lord Gods is born, there will be oracle signs.

When Lance was born, the entire Midgard erupted into nine days and nine nights of glorious light. It was so bright that it illuminated the night, shining from the sky to the earth, it made the whole world topsy turvy, turning night into day and filling the continent with celebration. The scene was like the rebirth of the dragon and the phoenix.

This kind of oracle was something none of the Nine Lord Gods had ever experienced.

As the cheers throughout the continent faded, a noisy debate began in the Temple of Gods.

All Nine Lord Gods were still in their positions. Then who was the awakened new God?

As for who he was, it didn't matter to Lance Steen. Because the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the dead bodies of his parents.

The power of the Lord God was extreme, however he was born into an ordinary family. His demigod mother and his low level god father, they could not withstand his "oracle" – the godly light that had lit up the entire Midgard had taken with it his parents blood and lives.

Lance Steen was too young to remember it, but afterwards there were always people constantly reminding him.

Reminding him the reason he was called the Sun God came from the burning death of his parents.

The one year old Lance Steen couldn't understand, the two year old also was quite confused, even when he was three he could only comprehend that he didn't have a mother or father, but after he was four he understood everything.

He understood that he carried the heavy burden of crime and at the same time that everyone around him didn't like him.

He was always by himself, subsisting bit by bit, cautious and careful, he had experienced all the coldness in the hearts of people.

That was until he met that man.

A five year old child couldn't understand too many things. In the long days afterwards his memories should fade and vanish but Lance Steen would never forget the shock that went through him when he raised his head and saw that silver haired man for the first time.

At first he couldn't see his face clearly but only his long and slender body, that pale blue robe moving like water and the silver-white hair like moonlight. But as the man slightly leaned forward, the hair moved gently like mist and slowly parted to reveal an exquisite appearance. Beautiful eyes, a delicate nose and pale lips softly rising... even before he spoke Lance was filled with the strong impulse that he was willing to die or be killed by that man.

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