Chapter 8 - Because Of That One Mistake Long Ago, He Must Now Bear A Regret

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Because his skin was so delicate, marks became more obvious and didn't fade easily.

Although the two of them had been separated for nearly a hundred years, Qiu ChangFeng was intimately familiar with Bai YueSheng's body. This kind of love mark was left by sucking forcefully on the skin and if medicine wasn't used, even if several days passed, the mark wouldn't disappear.

This was undoubtedly a hickey.

A kiss mark that someone else had left behind.

After realizing this, Qiu ChangFeng's heart felt as though it was being beaten with a hailstorm, his blood felt as though it was filled with lead. The violent suffocation was followed by intense rage.

Bai YueSheng was sensitive to Qiu ChangFeng's change in mood. In the beginning he had wanted to just go along with him and just do it. If it could send this plague god back to his own world, then doing it once wasn't a big deal.

But Qiu ChangFeng had suddenly stopped and was staring at him with a dead gaze, his expression filled with a look of murder.

Bai YueSheng quickly realized what had happened.

Dammit, that heavy-handed bastard Jeremy had left countless marks on his body. If he took off his clothes, then Qiu ChangFeng would probably destroy half of the earth.

Bai YueSheng forcefully pushed away Qiu ChangFeng.

Qiu ChangFeng's gentle appearance had disappeared, replaced with his true nature of dark obsession. He said in a sinking voice, "Who was it?"

He knew it wasn't the boy from the western restaurant – if his body had carried Bai YueSheng's scent then he would have killed him on the spot and would never have let him just walk away.

Bai Yuesheng frowned and raised his head to look at him. "What does it have to do with you?"

Qiu ChangFeng's eyes became dark and his lips thinned into a line. He repeated the question. "Who did you make love to?"

Bai YueSheng laughed lightly and looked away. He didn't look at Qiu ChangFeng, merely walking around him to the bathroom.

"Bai YueSheng!" Qiu ChangFeng's voice was filled with rage.

Bai YueSheng didn't reply. He only said coldly, "That's my freedom." His voice lowered and he spoke again in that voice that Qiu ChangFeng was both familiar with and hated with passion, "You already know what kind of person I am, don't you?"

Peng. Bai YueSheng shut the door of the bathroom.

Left standing in that unfamiliar apartment, Qiu ChangFeng was left suffering tremendous pain, feeling himself being swallowed by despair and yet unable to do anything about it.

Because of that one mistake he made a long time ago, he must now bear a neverending regret.

In the bathroom, Bai YueSheng removed his clothes, gazed at himself in the mirror and sighed.

He was too careless. He had forgotten to take care of the marks. But after all who could have thought that within two or three days, another man who should not have appeared had indeed appeared?

Bai YueSheng reached into his space bag and and retrieved the ointment. He rubbed it onto his skin and those marks, both light and heavy, disappeared at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

Even though he used his words to pressure Qiu ChangFeng and scare him into temporary submission, he didn't want to push him too far. When that guy became crazy no one could control him.

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