Chapter 29 - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me, What to do??!

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Lance backed away a step and then said coldly, "What are you trying to do?"

"Can't you tell?" De Mo's eyes curved innocently. "I'm trying to help you."

Lance's brow tightened, raising his guard. "I don't need your help."

"Don't be like that. I know you've liked him for a long time. Look..." She looked around the room with admiration. "Your heart is full of him. Since you love him this much, then why would you let him go? He will get married soon to a woman who isn't worthy of him, don't you feel sad?"

Lance looked at De Mo, thinning his lips. "That woman is you."

"Yes." De Mo laughed at him. "But in your heart you definitely think that I'm not worthy of him."

Lance didn't reply. He was trying to figure out what the woman in front of him was plotting.

Clearly the De Mo that everyone knew wasn't like this. And the De Mo now probably wasn't her true face either.

What did she want? The night before her wedding to Bai YueSheng she had come to look for him and said those things. What was her motivation?

De Mo's eyes were filled with admiration. "You're really so innocent. Fine, I won't play games with you. I'll speak plainly. Either today you go and do the thing that you've always wanted or otherwise wait and see, the Water God Xin Lin will never wake again."

After he heard this Lance's pupils dilated. With a killing intent in his eyes he asked, "What are saying?"

De Mo smiled sweetly. "Since a month ago I've been secretly feeding him Qing Lan fruit. Tonight I went by the Water Temple and ignited the Shi Incense. I predict right now he must be in agony."

Lance had heard of the Shi Incense before. It was a type of very common perfume. The tradition of Midgard was the ignite it on the eve of marriage so as to help the newlyweds become accustomed to each other. But it's effect wasn't great and at the most would help people become more relaxed.

As for what the Qing Lan fruit was, Lance had some vague impression... but he couldn't recall clearly.

"You don't know what Qing Lan fruit is? It's something very excellent." De Mo laughed sultrily. "It's the godly fruit with the legendary legacy of "dying for love"."

These words stimulated Lance's memory. He had after all memoried "Theology" when he was eight years old and his eidetic memory allowed him over the years to memorize various texts and his knowledge was broad. No matter how obscure the text as long as he saw it once he would remember it.

Qing Lan was the first generation Goddess of Love. She was a woman who was deeply in love with her husband. After a hundred years of loving him she unexpectedly discovered her husband might not love her back.

The heart was the thing most difficult to fully understand. Her husband spoiled her and treated her tenderly. They were the model couple of Midgard. No matter who looked, no matter how they analyzed, no one would have guessed that her husband didn't love her.

But Qing Lan was the Goddess of Love. The thing she sought most in her life was true love. If the person beside her didn't love her and was only pretending, then she would rather have never had this sham marriage.

How could she really find out if her husband really loved her not?

The Goddess of Love Qing Lan painstakingly sought an answer. Finally she crossed the void, entering a land forbidden to the gods, and saw the holy spring left by the Titans.

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