Chapter 14 - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me. What to Do?!

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Even a rabbit if it got frightened enough would bite someone. No matter how good Jiang Ming's personality was, at this point in time he was about to explode.

"Does what we're doing have anything to do with you?" Jiang Ming said as he angrily stared at the strange guy who no one invited to come.

Bai YueSheng had a very bad feeling. His fears were confirmed just a moment later when with a curve of his almost blindingly beautiful lips, the man said in a lazy manner, "Not my concern? You're embracing my fiancee and you say it's none of my concern?"

Bai YueSheng: ... When the hell did I become your fiance???

Jiang Ming was shocked speechless. His face changed color from red to green to purple, all the colors of the rainbow. He looked pleadingly at Bai YueSheng, "Ah Sheng, this.. This.."

First the boyfriend, then the husband and now there appeared a fiance? Bai YueSheng really felt sorry for Student Jiang from the bottom of his heart, but he was like Buddha Ni crossing the river, he couldn't even protect himself so...

{T/N: No idea who "Ni Pusa"/Buddha Ni is. Googled it and seems like he's a character in a TV show. Assume he had a dangerous river crossing!}

After he stood up and put some distance between him and Jiang Ming, he said in a serious tone, "That's right, he's my fiancee."

Jiang Ming directly froze, transforming into a pitiful gray statue.

Bai YueSheng had no more energy to say any dumb phrases like "Sorry I don't like you" or "Feelings can't be forced" so he chose to be silent. While Jiang Ming was still stunned into silence he grabbed the elite god next to him and started to pull him away.

However... Jiang "Poor little rabbit" Ming didn't want to give up even when facing death! "Ah Sheng, this is all a lie right? It's because you want me to give up right, that's why you're doing this..." His words had hidden words. Bai YueSheng naturally understood. In the short duration of two months there had been a boyfriend and a husband and a fiance... anyone would question Bai YueSheng's motives.

Bai YueSheng was terrified he was going to say something shocking like, "You already have a husband, how come you also have fiancee" so he quickly cut in and said, "Sorry this is the real me. Sorry to disappoint you."

These slag words were so deplorable they directly pierced the heavens. Jiang Ming was so shocked his soul almost left his body. He couldn't react for some time.

Bai YueSheng looked at the person behind him. "Your Highness... it's been a long time."

{T/N: Jeremy is often referred to as "Bi Xia"/陛下 which I've translated as "His Majesty", whereas Neil is referred to as "Dian Xia"/殿下 which I will translate as "His Highness". I think it's quite close as "Bi Xia" is used exclusively for the Emperor (I think...) whereas "Dian Xia" can be used by Princes and other highborn lords, which is similar to the difference between Majesty and Highness.}

Even though he was standing in this kind of unaesthetic bathroom environment, this leader of the dragon clan which itself ruled over all the nine different clans, was different from other people. He was like a saint, casting a bright light into every corner of the bathroom, making everything glow as though with a beautiful pearly light.

What kind of nauseating description is this? Bai YueSheng was disgusted by the words from his own brain.

Bai YueSheng had gone through a lot in his lives, his experiences can be said to be unparalleled. However he had to admit that Neil Maine was the most sublimely radiant and self-absorbed creature he had ever met.

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