Chapter 27 - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me, What to do??!

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Did he want to send him away?

Lance had never this bravely looked at Bai YueSheng in the eyes.

In the vast water temple, Bai YueSheng sat upon the stairs paved from kyanite stones. Lance was sitting below. When he raised his eyes upwards, the depths of blue colored eyes was the same as the water running through the temple, evoking the feeling of waves entering a person's heart.

Bai YueSheng had his chin in his hands, returning the look with an interested expression. This was the first time he had seen Lance angry.

So he was angry?

Lance had been with Bai YueSheng for over four years. He had never asked for a single thing. But this time, only this time, he used all his courage to say, "I want to stay in the water temple."

The clear child's voice was very moving. But like a bird with beautiful feathers, because it was too gorgeous, it made one not want to let it spread its wings to fly away.

Bai YueSheng smiled slightly. "Don't worry. The water temple will always be your home."

These words were like a soothing balm for the heart. Lance's frantically beating heart slowly calmed down.

Bai YueSheng thought for a few moments then added, "You don't need to be so retrained. I'm your godfather, your family."

Lance looked up and the joy that appeared in the small, jade-like face face couldn't be suppressed.

Several indrawn breaths could be heard in the temple. Although they were all Lord Gods, when seeing such an adorable child, they were all quite moved.

"So cute! So cute!" The Goddess of the Hunt was quite young. She was completely won over by Lance's innocent appearance. She couldn't help wanting to get close him. She wished she could give all the gems she possessed to him.

Bai YueSheng felt that his little fellow was a little more vivacious than before so he also felt happier. "That's enough. Let's dine."

Afterwards the meal time was very harmonious.

Lance was young but he had matured early. Although Bai YueSheng didn't want to send him away but he could keenly feel that Bai YueSheng didn't like him to be too quiet. Just as De Mo had said, his godfather liked cheerful children.

But how to be... cheerful?

Was it to smile more?

Lance began to adjust himself. He stopped being trying to be invisible like before and began to mix with others more, learning to communicate more. A smile was now often appeared on that small face and the beauty of it was deeply shocking. Like a shining sun, brighter than the stars. It made the people that liked him become even more attracted to him, but it also made the people who disliked him dislike him even more.

His life was like this, anxiously and carefully balancing on the edge between two extremes.

Until the moment of violence came once again. At that time Lance looked down at the blood on his hands expressionlessly.

He didn't know exactly how he had killed them, but he remembered what they did.

In another two months would be his godfather's birthday. The Lord God's birthday is celebrated every ten year cycle. For this occasion Lance had spent many years preparing a present. He collected the rare ice elements of the northern ice city. He nourished them with solidification magic for more than three hundred days, finally completely blending together to slowly form an exquisite headpiece.

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