Chapter 11

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        Annie opened her eyes, she noticed that she was breathing really fast and her heart was still racing from the dream she just had. Everything she was feeling in her dream was gone, the heat, the pleasure, the sensation in her neck, everything. It was like if it never happened, she sat up as she thought about her dream because she didn’t want to forget it, she lay back down and tried to go to sleep so she could dream about it again but it was no use, she was wide awake. Annie sat up again and hugged her knees, “Oh my God, I can’t believe how much of a pervert I am! I’m not supposed to be thinking of things like that.” She looked at the clock that was in her room, it was 6:15, she’d been asleep for almost 3 hours and she was still in her school clothes. She let out a sigh, as soon as she did she heard knocking on her door and her heart dropped down to her stomach. At first she thought it was just her imagination, but she heard again and she hurried to her mirror to see if she had any marks on her face from her nap. She heard the knocking again, “I’m coming!” she shouted as she made her to the door.

         She opened the door quickly and was completely disappointed to find Bertholdt on the other side of the door. “Oh hey Bertholdt.” she said as she tried not to sound disappointed. “Oh hey where you expecting someone else?” said Bertholdt, he noticed that her voice had a hint of awkwardness as if maybe she thought he was someone else. “No not really, it was just… Well, what brings you hear anyway?” said Annie. “Well, you’ve been looking “not-yourself” lately and I just came to talk to you, if that’s ok.” explained Bertholdt. Annie sighed, “I don’t want to talk about it, and it’s something I have to clear up on my own.” Bertholdt started feeling less confident as he ran out of things to say, Annie sat down on her couch and put her hand on her forehead, he noticed she was stressing over her situation with Eren. “Do you want me to get you some medicine.” said Bertholdt as he took a seat next to her. “No thanks, I just need to sleep and rest my eyes.” she replied, Annie got up and went to kitchen to get bottled water from her fridge. “Have you ever thought that maybe…” he thought bringing up Eren in to the conversation Bertholdt thought of what he was going to say and decided not to finish his sentence, he didn’t want to end up fighting with Annie again. “What was that?” Annie raised her voice from the kitchen. “I was going to say, have you ever thought about going for a walk when you’re stressed?” suggested Bertholdt, as he chose his words wisely. “It doesn’t sounds like a bad idea, but going for walks makes me over think things.” Bertholdt saw an opportunity open up, “How about walking with someone else?” said Bertholdt hoping that Annie would see through his offer. “Maybe another time, but not today, I want to stay home today.” Annie responded as she took another sip of her water. “Alright well, tell me when you need anything. Anything you need I’ll come rushing over.” said Bertholdt as he got up from the couch. Annie went over to show him out, both of them went outside. The sky was purple with a dash of gold and orange, the sun was beginning to set and the stars faintly started to show. “Annie, before I go, umm, I want to give you something that might make you feel better.” Bertholdt started to sweat, he was really nervous of what he was about to do he’s never done it before and thought he was going to be bad at it since it was his first time. “If its medicine, I told you that I don’t need any…” Annie was interrupted by Bertholdt’s lips touching hers. Annie was in shock of what was happening and didn’t react fast enough to pull away. In a way, it was almost exactly what she needed, but not by the person she was hoping it would be.

        Annie pulled away and saw someone behind him, it her eye pupils shrink and her heart drop right down to her stomach. Eren stood there looking at Annie, as Annie looked at him back, it felt like an eternity. Eren said nothing and left. “I-I’m sorry, I just… Annie?” Bertholdt noticed that she was stunned and was looking behind him, he looked back and saw no one there. “Is everything alright?” said Bertholdt as Annie took off running so she could catch up to Eren but by now it was starting to get dark and the street lights haven’t come on yet. Just as she thought about the street lights, they suddenly turned on and a figure walking in the distance. She ran towards him as fast as she could, and all she was thinking about is what she was going to say to Eren when she finally caught up to him because she’s just starting running out of impulse and wasn’t really thinking about what she was doing. She finally caught up to him at a nearby park, she was breathing really hard, and was running really fast without noticing. “Eren…” she said as the figure turned around. “My name isn’t Eren, young missy.” It was an older guy, “You should get home, its starting to get dark out.” He said. Annie caught her breath, “Sorry I just mistook you for someone else and umm… Never mind.” She said to him as she saw the guy walk away. All that effort and she didn’t manage to catch up to him, she was really worried that Eren might stop talking to her completely if she didn’t clear up the situation right away.

        “That must’ve been embarrassing.” She turned around and saw him, he was standing there with a smile on his face, she smiled too she was happy to see him again after all the time she ignored him. “I was walking on the other side of the street and I saw run by to the other guy and I wanted to see what you’d do haha.” Eren giggled. Annie sighed because she was still out of breath, she still maintained her smile, “You’re such a jerk.” She said jokingly as she looked at him. “So I didn’t you and Bertholdt were a thing.” said Eren, Annie had forgotten about that completely, and her smile disappeared too. “No it wasn’t like that, he just caught me off guard and, well you saw what happened.” said Annie as she sat down on the grass, her legs felt weak after the run she took, Eren took a seat next to her. She looked sad over what happened and he scooted over to her, “When I was growing up with Mikasa and Armin, Whenever Mikasa, Armin or myself were sad about something or when we’d get hurt when we we’re messing around we would lay our heads on each other’s while one of us went to get a band aid or some ice or whatever we needed at the moment. Mikasa always wanted to lay her head on my lap and Armin went to get the stuff.” said Eren as he locked eyes with Annie. “So if you want, you lay your head on my lap, and see if you feel any better.” said Eren as he scratched his cheek with one finger. Annie smiled and she lay her head on Eren’s lap, she felt relaxed and had forgotten of everything that just happened, all that mattered to her was the moment she was in now. She looked at how brightly the stars were shining tonight, “The stars look really beautiful.” said Annie as Eren also looked up. “Wow, they really do.” He said as he looked down at her. “Hey Annie, I miss you.” Annie’s eyes brightened and all she could think about was having the right guy kiss her this time, “Eren.” she wanted to pull his head so she could lock lips with him just like in her dream but his head was still looking at the sky. “Do you really mean that?” said Annie as she sat up. “Yeah, it’s been kind of weird not talking to you.” responded Eren, Annie got closer to him and Eren did the same. They got nose length to each other’s faces, “Annie! Annie!” Both of them heard someone yelling Annie’s name. Eren got up to check who was yelling, and saw Bertholdt shouting. “It’s Bertholdt, I think he’s worried about you since you ran like crazy out of nowhere.” said Eren as he helped Annie get up. “We should go over there and calm him down.” He continued. “Actually, I’ll handle him, I need to talk to him one on one. I’ll see you at school.” said Annie said as she smiled, Annie found herself wrapped his arms, he felt warm, she could feel his pecks against hers she hugged back only for a few seconds because if she would have kept on hugging him she wouldn’t want him to leave. “I’ll see you later.” said Eren with a smile.

         Bertholdt kept looking until he saw a small figure approach him and he quickly ran over to her. “Annie, I’m sorry about what I did, I just couldn’t control myself anymore that’s why I kissed you.” Said Bertholdt as he explained to Annie, she had a face of disapproval, she didn’t know how else she was going to look at him. “I know you’re mad at me, and you have every right to, but ever since we were kids, I’ve liked you but I just didn’t know how to say it.” said Bertholdt, he felt relieved that he finally let out all his feelings. She looked at him with a straight face, Annie didn’t react surprised to Bertholdt’s confession, “Bertholdt I never saw you the way you looked at me, I always considered you to be one of my closest friends. We can’t be more than that, I’m really sorry.” Annie admitted to Bertholdt, she saw him look down and she felt really bad for him because she considered that it must have taken him a lot of courage to confess his feelings for her. Annie hugged him tightly, although he didn’t hug back because of hurt he is, “This doesn’t mean I’m giving up though. I really really like you Annie.” said Bertholdt as he couldn’t stand the thought being without Annie. “Don’t say things like that Bertholdt, you’ll just end up getting hurt even more.” Annie asked of him because she knew she would never return the feelings he had for her. “Can I at least walk you home?” asked Bertholdt, Annie nodded and it made Bertholdt smile even if he was just walking alongside her. “I don’t even have to ask who you like, Its most likely Eren right?” asked Bertholdt as they started to walk to her house. “Umm can we talk about something else?” Annie said as she blushed and put her hands in her pocket.


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