Chapter 15

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       "Well, how do you think things between Annie and Eren will end up, Historia?" Ymir asked Historia as she stared into her coffee cup. They were sitting outside the Café, Ymir thought it was best to get fresh air since she saw that Historia wasn't being herself. "Historia..." she said her name once more, then she slammed her hand on the table, making Historia come back to reality. "What the hell Ymir! You startled me!" she shouted at Ymir, she was already annoyed and Ymir's actions made her tick. "Well I was talking to you and you were just staring out into space." Ymir explained herself. "Well sorry, I was just thinking about stuff." Historia responded as she stared at her cup again. "I was just asking what you thought was going to happen between Annie and Eren." Ymir repeated her question. I hope they break up, Historia thought in her mind. "I don't know, they'll probably break up or something." Ymir knew that there was more to it than that but she didn't want to keep annoying Historia with her questions and just let it be.


          Mikasa was already at Eren's house, doing her homework in the living room. She heard keys from the outside, she was like a puppy waiting for her owner to come home. "Oh hey Mikasa." said Eren as he dropped his back pack on the couch and sat across Mikasa. "Are you ok Eren?" Mikasa asked worrying about him. Eren laid his head on the couch until he was looking at the ceiling as he sighed. "I don't know Mikasa, everything is just all messed up, and everything is going to keep being falling apart until I fix it myself." Mikasa was confused even though she was looking like she understood what Eren had said. "Do you want to talk about?" Mikasa asked Eren so that she would know what was going on. Eren laid his arms on his knees and was now looking at the floor. "No, I just want to think about other stuff." Eren responded, but he knew it was easier said than done. It didn't matter how much he didn't want to think about it, but the painful image of Annie him not being together could not leave his head. Mikasa could feel that something wasn't sitting right with Eren. "Eren if something is wrong you can always tell me." Mikasa said trying to get to the bottom of it. Suddenly, Eren stood up, "Hey Mikasa." She looked really confused, but saw Eren smiling as if every problem he had was under control and there were no worries holding him back. "Let's go play a little soccer, just you and me. Like old times." She just smiled not knowing what came over him. She packed her homework without hesitation, and followed Eren out the door.

          "Its kind of chilly out." said Mikasa. "You'll warm up when we actually play, and besides you're not the one wearing shorts." Eren responded. "I actually want to see how much you improved since you started hanging out with Annie." She said as they kept on walking. When Annie's name came up his heart dropped knowing that he might not be with Annie anymore. "Are you ready to be amazed?" He asked her showing how cocky he was being, Mikasa just giggled and kept walking beside Eren.

          They arrived at the place that started it all, Shingashina Middle School. "Was this place always this small?" Eren asked Mikasa. "I don't know, but it feels like just yesterday Annie injured me and I kicked her ass for it." She said laughing. He really wished that Mikasa would stop mentioning Annie's name. "Hey Mikasa, you wanna be goalie?" Eren asked so that he can show off how much he's learned. Mikasa went to the goal post and waited for Eren's shot. Eren threw the ball randomly in the field, he planned to shoot the ball wherever it landed, just to show Mikasa how confident he was. She didn't bat an eye as to what Eren was doing. Eren shot the ball and was curving to the left with speed, but Mikasa kept her concentration and deflected the ball over the goal since it was too high for her to catch. "Woah, you really improved!" It made him happy getting that praise from Mikasa. He took a few more shots and only a few managed to get pass her watch was a great achievement because he could never get any shot on goal with Mikasa as a goalie. "All that training with Annie really paid off, all your hard work with Annie's skill was really a good combination. No wonder you and her made a good couple." She finally admitted after holding it in for a long time. Eren took another shot and this time he missed the goal by a long shot, It completely missed the goal. "What was that? You were doing really good until now, what happened?" She shouted from the goal. "Its nothing, just pass me the ball again." He said responded to Mikasa. Eren kept on missing every single shot after that, and he couldn't concentrate with Annie in his mind. Mikasa held on to the ball this time and just looked at Eren. "What are you doing? Hurry up and give me the ball!" Eren shouted. She stood there like a statue, staring at Eren. He sat down holding his knees as the lights to the field came on since it was getting dark. She walked over to him and sat down next to him. "Its something about Annie, right Eren?" Eren didn't move a muscle because he didn't want to respond to that, let alone talk about it. "You probably knew the entire time, didn't you." He responded as he lifted his head up. "Actually, no I didn't. I can always tell when something is wrong with you by just looking at you. And whenever I mentioned Annie you seemed to get quiet, and this last time I mentioned her, you started missing every shot after that." She explained herself. Eren laid on the ground and was amazed how Mikasa came up with such a way to figure him out. "Ha-ha, and all that time you were mentioning her name I wished you would just shut up." Eren said jokingly as Mikasa also laid on her back. "And you're planning to fix all this by yourself?" She asked Eren. "Yeah... I guess." He responded bluntly.

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