Chapter 16.5

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"Eren! Where have you been? Are you feeling well?" said Annie as she ran up to Eren, looking happy to finally see him. Eren's heart dropped when she saw Annie's face filled with restlessness but also with joy at the same time. He didn't have the heart to tell her what he had done, and wasn't even sure if was the right thing to do even though it'd be better if she heard it from him rather than someone else. Annie put her hand on Eren's forehead and checked his temperature, Eren got flustered as if he'd never been touched by her before, he felt awkward thinking that their relationship was already over. "H-hey Annie, what are you doing?" Eren asked her as she took off her hand off his fore head. "You know what?" asked Annie as she looked at him "Can you bend down a little?" Annie asked of him, and Eren did just that. She put her fore head against his, he didn't know how to react to Annie's sudden carefulness. All he could think about was why he had to do such a thing to a wonderful girl like her. "I know you're worried about something." she whispered as she still had her forehead connected with his. "If there is anything bothering you all you have to do is tell me." Eren found her word to be calming and for a moment he forgot about everything, and he embraced her. Annie let him as she was already expecting Eren to do that, "So are you going to tell me what was wrong?" Annie asked him. "Hey you two! Class started 7 minutes ago! Both of you go to the principal's office now!" The teacher yelled as he on patrolling the hallways. Annie and Eren started to walk towards the office, at this point all Eren was thinking about is to just forget everything and have his spark with Annie lit.

"Hey Annie, we don't have to go to office just yet." said Eren as he gave Annie a smile so that she can figure what he was thinking. "What are you talking about, the teacher just said that we have to go to the office." Annie explained to Eren. "But we can go something else, I mean we're already late." Eren explained in more detail, she looked at him not believing what was coming out of his mouth. "We can't do that!! We can still make to class if we hurry and get our tardy slips." Eren rolled his eyes at Annie and stopped her in mid-hallway, "Can't you just live a little, at least for today." Annie thought about what he said, and she never considered ditching class even when Hitch and Mina would ask her to do it. "But, I've never ditched class before and..." she stopped what she was about to say because she couldn't find an excuse to say no to him. "And what? Come on it'll be fun I used to do this all the time when I was in middle school." Eren said, Annie could imagine Eren would be that kind of kid so it wasn't surprising to her. She took a long time thinking, "Okay, I haven't seen you all day today." she finally responded to Eren.

He held her hand as they both sneaked out one of the doors from down stairs that lead to the teacher parking lot, no one besides their teachers used it and it was the perfect way out since most the classrooms there are used for recreation. The afternoon sun shined on Annie's face for the first time during classroom hours. For her, everything felt different it was awkward to think that she was supposed to be in classroom, and being outside made her feel like new person. "Hey Eren, and you used to do this all the time?" Annie asked him. "Well not all the time, only when I didn't feel like going to class or when I knew it was gonna be boring." He answered with a big smile. "So what do we do know?" Annie asked as she was clueless as to what people do when they ditch. "Since it's you first time, why don't we take it easy and go to the park?" He suggested, as Annie looked worried for missing class. "Yeah, ok, but what are we gonna do when we get there?" she asked. "I have no idea, sometimes unexpected things happen when you ditch school. So we'll let something happen." Eren explained as Annie was more at ease now. "One time, I ditched with Armin for the first and he was freaking out so much that day because he was missing his spelling test. When he finally calmed down we saw some other kids playing soccer, and I thought it would be fun to play with them. They turned out being jerks and they bullied us into giving them our allowance, but I wasn't going to take that from some good for nothing assholes. So I told them that if we played a two on two game that they would have to leave us alone. Armin didn't want to do it because he clearly wasn't the athletic type, and he got in the face a couple of times and he held back his tears until Mikasa showed up out of nowhere when the ball bounced out of Armin's face and it landed in front of Mikasa and she shot ball at one of the kid's face and she did it again with the second kid. Both of them ran away crying. That's kinda how I started to play soccer, and Mikasa just followed me along with it and she ended up being better than me." He said as he finished his story. Annie giggled as he finished, "That was a funny story. I wish I could share something like that with you. So far the wildest thing I've done is having you as my boyfriend." said Annie as Eren turned to look at her. His mind was only filled with regrets, he was wanting to go back in time and undo everything so that everything can go back to normal.

They park was nearly empty as they arrived, they only saw a couple of joggers and people walking their dogs. "Hey, let's go sit over there." said Eren, pointing at a bench that was under a tree so it provided the perfect shade in the hot weather. "You never told me what was bothering you back then. Now we're over here where no one can get in our way, and I really want to know why you looked so worried back then." Annie said in a serious expression as they sat down. Eren rested his arms on his legs as he tried to think about what he was about how he should say what he did. Annie was waiting patiently for Eren to be ready to explain himself, he was frightened as to how Annie was serious and calm while he's freaking out inside. "Is it family problems? Is it about something I shouldn't ask?" she said as she looked at Eren. "No, it's nothing like that. It's something that's really complicated and I don't know how to explain any of it, or where to start even." He said as he looked at the ground. In his head he was thinking of different scenarios of how Annie might react if he told her that he kissed a different girl. Would she cry? Would she punch him square in the face? Or would she forgive him because he came out with it, although it would be nice if that were to happen, it was too good to be true. It felt like it was taking forever for to admit what he did, desperation was getting so out of hand that he was considering lying to her. He knew that was only going to make it worse, so he had no other choice but to tell her the truth, even if it meant their relationship would end. "Can I ask you something that's been bothering me for a while?" Annie asked him right when Eren was to speak. "Remember when we started to go out a few months ago. Now that we're alone like this, I never really asked you how you felt when you saw Bertholdt kiss me that night." she said with a relieving sigh. He had completely forgotten about that night, Is that was Bertholdt was doing to Annie?! I Thought they were talking! Eren was baffled with what Annie said that. He had to keep his cool even though wanted punch Bertholdt in is throat right now, but he had done is no better than what Annie did. "That night Bertholdt caught me by surprise and he told me how he felt about me and out of nowhere he went in for a kiss. All this time I've been feeling really awful about it and I felt like I needed to tell you." Annie said as she also turned to the ground expecting an outrageous reaction from Eren. He looked at her not knowing what expression to give to her, so he just hugged her from her shoulder as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I honestly did not see any of that. I thought he was just talking to you and I didn't feel any different towards you back then." said Eren reassuring her. "Although I do feel kinda different towards Bertholdt now." He said as Annie chuckled quietly, putting her hand on her mouth. "He's had a crush on me ever since I met him, he would always pick flowers for me, and on every Valentine's day he would decorate my card with a whole bunch of stuff every year in elementary school. I knew Reiner helped him all the time, but I never really felt that way about him. He was actually going to go Stohess, but when he heard that I was going to Trost he followed me too. " Annie explained to Eren. He thought about all the times he tried talking to Bertholdt in the past, now realized why he was always cold towards him. So if Annie breaks up with me Bertholdt will probably jump at the first chance he gets.

"I know we weren't going out yet but either way it just feels great that I got that off my chest, you know I just didn't want to feel like I was hiding anything from you." said Annie, being truthful with Eren. At this point he knew that he had to tell everything to Annie and hope she would understand. "Annie." He paused because he lost his train of thought. "The other day..." RIIIINNNGGG RIIINNGGG RIIINNNGGG. They heard the school bell all the way from the park, "Should we go back, time went by so fast?" asked Eren, as they both got up from the bench. Eren started walking to the in the direction of the school, he felt a pull on his shirt as he passed Annie. He looked backed and she blushing, she looked so cute Eren couldn't resist not looking at her. "We're already outside, do you want to do something else?" Annie asked him. Eren gulped nervously, "L-like what?" asked Eren as Annie looked down, then looked up. "My house is kind of nearby..." she said quietly but he could still understand what she was saying. It was hard for him not to take her offer and he nodded, he held her hand and followed Annie instead. "So after all that you're not going to her what happened?" Eren and Annie turned around to see who it was. Eren's heart dropped when he turned to see Historia. "What the hell are you doing here?" Annie's mood changed from flirty, cuteness from seriousness. Eren was getting scared by the minute because he didn't know what was going to happen next. "Your so-called boyfriend and I had a moment of intimacy on the soccer field the other day." Historia said with a smirk on her face, Annie's head was filled with all sort scenarios of what she meant by that. She looked at Eren for an answer, but he was glaring at Historia. "You know that's not what happened!" Eren yelled at her and turned to Annie holding her by the shoulders, "Annie this is not what it sounds like, this is all a misunderstanding and I promise you I'll explain everything." said Eren as he assured Annie. She pulled away from Eren and looked at Historia as her eyes was filled with rage. She started to pace towards her with her fists tightly clenched, "YOU BITCH!"

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