Chapter 16

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"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Mina, she saw Hitch with her head down on her desk. Hitch didn't and slowly lifted her head up, Mina saw the wariness in her eyes. "Woah, are you ok? Did something bad happen?" Mina tasked to get answers from her friend. "Come talk to me in the hallway." Hitch said as she got up from her seat and grabbed Mina's hand and lead her to the hallway. "Why'd you have to drag me all the way out here?" Mina asked Hitch, she was rubbing her wrist because Hitch pulled her hard. "So..." Hitch paused and thought about what she was going to say, Mina looked at her and saw how hard it was for her to say anything. "Did something that bad happen? Come on! Just spit it out!" She yelled but whispered it so that she wouldn't attract attention. "It's really complicated, and it's about Annie." She continued as Mina's focused on Hitch. "Well I sa-" "Hey you two get in to your class, the period is about to start!" Yelled a teacher as she was sweeping the students from hallways. "Speaking of Annie, where is she? She's going to be late." Mina said as she walked inside with Hitch. "That's exactly what I was getting to. I guess I'll tell you after class." The bell rung and they did not see Annie come in at all. Hitch kept her constantly on the door to see Annie come in, she was expecting to see Annie in tears even though she's never seen cry. Then she thought she might come barging through the door and kick the first thing she sees, Hitch's imagination was going wild with endless possibilities of what might happen in the next minute or for the rest of the day.

Class ended with no sign of Annie, "Ok Hitch, now I'm worried about Annie, what exactly happened?!" Mina was dying to know but also she was scared of what Hitch had to say, after all she didn't come to class so it can't be anything good. They went to the bathroom so that they could have more privacy. "The other day, I saw practicing by himself and then Historia comes out of nowhere and starts talking to him, and after like a few minutes both of them start to, uh." She paused as Mina was left in disbelief. "They started to make out, and it got really intense between those two like I'm not gonna lie I thought was to watch a porno." Mina was in awe, she couldn't believe that Eren would do that, but she kept on listening to Hitch. "Then they just suddenly stopped, Eren got up and left and left Historia on the ground, I couldn't hear what they were saying but they were definitely talking for a bit and then Eren left." Mina had so many questions but she didn't know where to start, so Hitch and Mina stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do with the situation. "And you couldn't make out what Eren was saying either? Maybe he was saying something important!" Mina exclaimed as she was desperate now to resolve this issue. "Well I was keeping my distance! What did you want to do? Go up to them and ask, hey can you guys let me in on what's going on? Come on Mina be a little realistic here." Hitch said sarcastically as Mina crossed her arms and gave her a fake quick smile at Hitch. "So what should we do know?" Mina finally asked, getting over Hitch's sarcasm. "I mean is Eren still keeping this from her?" Mina asked. Hitch lowered her head, "Well that's kinda where I messed up, I told Eren that he has to tell her or else I was going to, but I started regretting when she invited us out and told us that she was happy to be with him." She finally admitted to her mistake, Hitch leaned on the wall and kept looking down. Mina then approached her and hugged her, "Wha-" "You wouldn't be Annie's friend if you didn't do something like that, you were probably mad that someone that something like that to our best friend. I would've probably done the same thing too, so don't worry about it. We honestly don't know if Eren told her or not." Mina assured her friend, whom looked very overwhelmed of the situation.

"Where do you think Eren was last period?" Armin asked Mikasa as they walked out of their classrooms to catch a breather from their class. "I have no idea, it's not like Eren to skip off on class like that, something must've definitely happened." said Mikasa as she tried to keep calm and tried not to worry about Eren. It didn't take long for Armin to notice the anguish in Mikasa's face. "Try not to think about too much Mikasa, he'll eventually show up and we'll ask him about what happened." Mikasa kept looking at the ground as they walked and bumped someone to the ground as someone came out of the girl's bathroom. "Are you ok Hitch?!" Mina exclaimed as she got down to help her friend up. Mikasa stood still, not knowing what was going on because she was still thinking about Eren, meanwhile Armin helped Mina get Hitch up. "We're really sorry about that, Mikasa just wasn't looking where she was going, she has a lot on her mind." Armin tried apologizing to Mina and Hitch. "No its ok, I was distracted too so I wasn't looking where I was going." Hitch said smiling indicating that everything was ok, also she didn't want to be on any bad terms with Mikasa, no matter how small the problem may be. "Have you, by any chance heard anything from Eren?" Armin asked randomly, just because he thought Annie might have told them something about him. "Are you telling us that Eren is missing too?" Hitch exclaimed and turned to Mina, while both had a shocked face. "What are you saying? Who else has gone missing?" Armin asked, Mikasa looked up for the first time in the conversation. Hitch and Mina felt a shiver go down their spine as Mikasa looked up. "Um, yeah, Annie's gone missing too. She didn't show up to class at all, and we thought it was kind of weird." Mina explained in a brief sentence. "So do you think something bad happened to them." Armin asked, he was starting to get curious by the minute. "Well it's a lot more complicated than that, I thought he would've told you about his situation and it's kinda complicated to explain." Hitch explained trying to get out of trying to explain everything all over again. "Now that you mention it, Eren was acting weird this morning it was like he had a lot on his mind today. I don't know if that had to do with anything." Armin said as he remembered everything unusual that was going on with Eren. "They'll eventually show up and we can just ask them about where they've been, right?" said Armin trying to cheer everyone up, even though he saw everyone's face looking towards the ground.

"Hey Levi, help me warm up will you." Erwin asked him as he was putting his gloves on. Everyone on the Stohess soccer team where arriving to field, but they couldn't start practice until everyone arrived. Erwin and Levi are always the first one there to warm up, and still do warm ups along with the team. Levi was juggling the ball, on the third juggle he bounced the ball higher, Erwin knew exactly what he was going to do and was worried he wasn't going to be able to block his shot. As the ball came down, Levi readied his right foot for a volley, he was in the right part mid field, even so, Levi was dangerous at any part of the field if space was given to him. Levi took the shot from the volley that he made, the ball was going to the right when it was in midair, Erwin was always tricked by the ball's movement, moved to the right but not fully to the right just in case the decided to take a weird effect, but at the same time he was thinking of having a step on the left, but if the ball ended going to the right then there's not a chance that he was going to be able to block it. So Erwin took a chance and put a step to the left but there. The ball was going 97 mph and took a turn to left, but all of Erwin's hesitation's he wasn't sure he was going to make it, because he was also ready to go to the right. He was barely able to touch the ball as it went inside the goal. "Wow Levi, you have to teach how to do that one day! That's really amazing!" said a voice from behind him. Levi didn't turn but he did wait until she was next to him, he liked the fact that she was shorter than he was, he always enjoyed talking to people that where shorter than him. "Maybe someday when I'm not tired or busy, I'll consider teaching you." He said as he looked down to talk to her. "Yo Petra! What are you doing over here?" Olou asked her even though he already had an idea of why she showed to their practice. "I just came to visit, and look at everyone practice." She responded to him, even though that wasn't entirely true. "Good job on that shot, just as expected, your shots aren't to be messed around with even if this was just a warm up." said Erwin as he jogged over to Levi. Petra gathered up her confidence and turned to Levi, "So I was thinking Levi, if you aren't doing anything after practice maybe we could-" "Everyone gather up! One mile and then find a partner." Erwin gave his orders, the first years groaned while everyone else followed his orders. "Come on first years I want you guys I front of everyone else!" Erwin yelled as he joined his team mates. "I gotta go too." said Levi as he followed Erwin. "You know Petra, I might be available for whatever you needed to do." said Olou as he took advantage of Levi's denseness. "Bye," she said walking towards the bleachers. "Olou! Start running!" Erwin as the team completed a lap.

Petra waited for practice to be over so that she could once again ask him to walk home with her and maybe get side tracked on their way there. She imagining all kinds of scenarios, if things that could happen with him. "Alright guys rest up and drink a lot of water, be here tomorrow!" Erwin instructed to his players. Petra got up and waited for Levi change out of his gear. She gazed on Levi sweaty hair, she couldn't believe how incredibly handsome he looked with wet hair and a sweaty face. "Close your mouth Petra, you look like a fish gasping for water." Eld teased as he passed by the bleachers. "You be quiet!" Petra shouted out of embarrassment. She waited 2 hours for practice to end, and now she needed to wait 10 more minutes to ask him to do something after. As she waited anxiously she saw Levi coming her way along with Erwin, and Mike. "Hey." said to Levi as he stopped to talk to her. "See you later Levi." said Erwin as he walked passed them, Mike just hmm'd and flowed Erwin. Wow that was easy, Petra thought to herself now it was her and Levi. "So do you want to walk home together?" Petra asked as her heart started to race. "Why do you always have to ask? I live like 3 blocks away from you and you know I'm gonna say yes almost every time." He said to Petra as he took a sip of water from his water bottle. "How's the soccer team looking?" Petra asked him while they started to walk. "It's the same every time, every one becomes demotivated, Erwin has to keep giving lectures and motivation to help them get more hyped." Levi explained. "Do you think our team will go undefeated again this year?" Petra asked, she always had to keep the conversation going, but for now Levi was just doing what she told which was to walk her home. "It'd be great if we did." Levi responded with not enough enthusiasm. Petra has been in this kind of situation before and did not let Levi's bluntness get to her, "Don't you have homework do to today? Maybe you can stop by my house and study with me." she said even though she knew what was coming. "I already did most of my homework, I guess I can do the rest by myself, but thanks for the invite though." Levi responded. Petra sighed, but patience is one thing she was really good at. She's made Levi smile a couple of times so she knew there'd be hope for her in the future. "Well, we're here." Levi said as they stood in front of her house. She had been thinking too much about how she could spend more time with Levi, but just walking home would have to do for now.

Earlier that day ~

"Well, Ms. Reiss, your first day isn't supposed to be until tomorrow but you decided have a quick visit to our school, even though you were supposed to be in your school, I'll be calling Shingashina High later this afternoon to discuss your punishment, because I have yet to have any authority over you." said Principal Zackly as Historia stood in front of the principal, scared and on the verge of tears, thinking of what her punishment will be when she starts school in Trost. She held it in so that she wouldn't be embarrassed in front of Eren and Annie. "Ms. Leonhardt, Ms. Reiss, and Mr. Jaeger. I expect reports of the incident within the period. Oh, and Ms. Leonhardt aside from the two-day suspension, you will also have to clean your classroom for 3 days. I expected you to have learned your lesson from last time."

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