Chapter 20

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          Bertholdt saw Eren coming towards his way, and what made him nervous is the look on Eren's face, don't tell me he actually found out... So much was happening so fast that he didn't know how to react as he came closer, ripping apart the grass with his cleats as he walked. "You think you're so innocent huh?" Eren said angrily as he came closer with a clenching fist. Bertholdt accepted what was going to happen and stood looking at Eren as he went for a swing. Bertholdt dodged Eren's swing as lost his balance going past Bertholdt. He thought about what Eren had said, and it angered him. "Innocent" huh? he thought to himself. To think he said that, thinking he's like a saint or something. What does Annie see in this guy? "You're no better for doing that to Annie, you had it coming!" he said as Eren's eyes grew with rage. "You have no say in this if you don't know what happened!" Eren shouted back. Bertholdt's anger was growing too, at this point he let the anger control him and pushed Eren to the ground. Eren was not expecting that from him. He quickly got up, he was flustered because he went to the ground first. "I honestly don't understand what she sees in you, I've been there with her since we were kids and she never gave me the look she gives you! What makes you so special? Coming out of nowhere and making her yours." Eren was starting to feel sympathy for him, he also didn't know about Bertholdt's history with Annie. "Well what's in the past, stays there. You know what, I never mentioned what you did, now I know you kissed her." said Eren as Bertholdt said nothing as they both stared each other down. "Or you might never know, maybe she kissed me." He said as Eren quickly connected a hard right to Bertholdt's cheek. It wasn't enough to knock him down, so he punched Eren in his stomach knocking the out of Eren, but he remained standing. Eren went for a spear and knocked down him down to the ground and started throwing punches as fast as he could and missing nearly all of them because of how angry he was.

          "Hey, what's going on over there?" Farlan asked Nile. Jean and Marco also heard Farlan and turned to see Bertholdt pushing off Eren off him. "Oh shit, are they fighting?" Nile answered Farlan's question with another question. "We have to stop them!" the team captain, Nile, ran to go stop them, Jean and Marco also went along with them. Jean was just going to go to make fun of Eren and Marco was going to stop Jean when he does.

          "There's no way she could've kissed you first you bastard!" he said as they still rolled on the ground trying to hit each other. He was trying to get Bertholdt in choke hold but he was too tall and kept slipping away. Eren finally got on top again and was ready to give off the final blow to Bertholdt's face, he couldn't his arms up to his face in time, and the only thing he could do is watch as Eren's fist got closer. Eren felt somebody else's body weight bringing him down. Oh no its probably Reiner! He's way too big to take on! Eren only thought was to find a way to beat Reiner and get back to get Bertholdt. What he felt instead was a small soft body on top of him. "I'm sorry Eren." Annie said with tears in her eyes. "I didn't have the guts to face you after what I've done." She said as she looked up to him. "I should've done so sooner, I knew something like this would happen, but I just couldn't." she continued as she put her head on his chest. Eren laid on the ground looking up at the sky thinking about Annie's feelings this entire time, maybe he should've been the one to approach her, that probably would've lifted a load from Annie's shoulders. "I'm sorry too, I just thought you didn't want to talk to me after what I did." He said as he put his arms around Annie. "Woah, what's going on here?" said Nile wondering what happened to the fight. "This looks like a scene that would happen in an anime." Farlan joked around, but then regretted it because no one laughed. Jean and Marco caught up and helped Bertholdt get up. Jean held off on the jokes since the tension was high. "Hey, you guys, any problem that you guys have should be taken off the field. You're lucky that coach Hannes wasn't here, honestly, both of you are good players but you need to apologize right now man to man, we can't have you guys on bad terms when we're playing a game or during practice." Nile said as he helped up Annie and Farlan helped Eren. Bertholdt and Eren faced each other, Bertholdt was the first to extend his hand for a hand shake, then Eren extended his. "Alright, practice started ten minutes ago and we can't waste any more time so let's go." Nile said as he led the players to the pitch. "Umm we should talk after I get out of practice." Eren said as he headed off to the field. "Yeah ok." Annie nodded, she didn't know what to do for 2 hours in the school, the only thing she can do is her homework, but it would only take her half an hour to do it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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