Chapter 5

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       A few weeks past and it was only days until high school started Eren wasnt excited nor sad that summer was ending. "Hey Annie." I called out to her as I got closer to this really cool field she didn't pay any attention to me because she was in the middle of taking a shot at the goal in front of her, I'm sure I yelled loud enough to for her to know that I'm here. "What are we working on today?" I asked her but she still wasnt paying any attention. I saw her shoot one more time, it was incredible like always, but has she always looked this good? Maybe I didn't realize it because i was so intent on my real goals and I never actually looked at her when we were together practicing. "You're late, Don't you know you're never supposed to keep a girl waiting?" What was she saying? and why is she smiling at me. "Um, yeah I just had some trouble getting here." I said that as if I was making an excuse as to why I was late for a date. What's happening? "Eren come over here, I want to show you a new trick." she was just standing there looking dead at me but I felt calm, nothing bad is gonna happen right? I went up to her, "So what now." She had the ball under her right foot, I really hope she'll show me something cool. "Try and take the ball away from me." she told me while moving the ball in circles as she was just toying with me. "Really Annie? FIne but if you dont think I can't then you've got another thing coming!" I ran towards her right foot where the ball was, but know she's going to move it left, so as soon as she makes a move I'll move left too. I got closer to Annie and... There it is! the movement that I was looking for! I got you know Annie. Wait, she moved to the right! What just happened? And why am I falling down. Oh I see, she must read my movements and moved to the right and stuck her left leg out, so she tripped me on purpose. Suddenly Annie was on top of me! "A-annie! what are you doing!" her hands where over my hands, but I didn't want to fight it. Her grip was strong which is partially one of the reason's I didn't fight it. What's the other reason then? "It's ok, Eren calm down, you have nothing to worry about." I didn't know a girl's voice could be so soothing. She let go of my hands and she was looking down on me with those blue eyes and Ilooked at her, everything felt so right. Woah what am I doing?! Why am I putting my hands on her sides!? This isn't me! But it feels natural that I should do this. Her head came closer to mine. I tilted my head to the right and she tilted her head to my left. I feel her warm breath against my lips getting closer and closer, it felt ro relaxing that I just have to close my eyes, I can feel her whispering my name, "Eren, Eren, Eren..." "Eren, Eren, Eren!" Eren woke up to see Mikasa on top of him and his hands on her sides. "AAAHHH! Mikasa what what are you doing?!" Eren shouted quickly removing his hands away from Mikasa. "Eren, what were dreaming about?" she asked. "Why are you on top of me?!" he shouted. Mikasa looked away while she blushed. "I just wanted to see if me being on top of you would affect how you sleep, and when you put your hands on me, well I couldnt just move away. I didnt want to interrupt you sleeping." she responded. "Can you get off of me now?" he asked because she was still sitting on top of him. "Jesus Christ Mikasa." Eren said as she got off of him. "Why are you here anyway." Eren asked.  "I just came back from the doctor and he said my knee fully healed! So if you want we can practice for what's left of the summer." she said to Eren hoping he'd say "yes". "Um actually, I'm kinda committed to my partner, and you know..." he said to Mikasa trying t not to think of the dream he was just having. "Will you atleast help me get back in condition?" she asked. "Yeah sure, we can do it today if you want." he said. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "Do you want practice at the school?" she asked. "Actually we should practice at the park close THS. The field is way better over there." said Eren. "Ok so I'll see you later Eren." said Mikasa. "What about Armin?" asked Eren. "Oh, I dont know, lets go ask him." she said. "Yeah, just let me put on my shoes real quick." he said putting on whatever pair he could find first.

        The two of them where on their way to Armin's house. It was still early in the morning, but it was hot outside, and Eren had a regular beige T-shirt and his shorts on, while Mikasa had a pink long sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans since she just came back from her doctor's appointment. "So what did the doctor say?" he asked Mikasa as they where walking. "He just said that my knee was fully healed, but not to force anything too much on it. I asked if I could still play soccer and he said yes but not to overdue it." she explained. "So you cant go 100 percent in game, huh?" he asked. "Pretty much, but I still want to try out for the girls team." she said. "Theres not doubt that you'll make it in." he said encouraging Mikasa with a smile. Mikasa blushed and looked down, smiling. "We're here." Eren stated. Both of them went up to the door, Eren knocked on the door and called out Armin's name, "Armin! Are you home?! It's us!" Eren shouted. Eren and Mikasa waited but there was no answer. "Do you think he's still asleep?" Mikasa asked. "Well it's still 10." he answered. They finally heard footsteps coming towards the door, Eren and Mikasa were surprised at how Armin looked as soon as he opened to the door. "Armin are you ok? You don't look so good." Eren asked Armin. Armin had his eyes a watery, and a red runny nose. "No, I actually have a really bad cold." said Armin. "We wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to the park with us today." Eren said to Armin. "I don't know if I can, I barely got out of bed just to come open the door." Armin told them. "I think you should just stay home and rest then." said Mikasa. "Thanks." Armin said when he closed the door and went back to bed. "That's a shame. I hope he gets better." said Eren said as they left Armin's front yard. "So I guess it's just gonna be you and me." Eren continued. Mikasa was happy, she couldn't remember the last time she was alone with Eren she, couldn't help to smile. Mikasa's house was closer to Armin's house so she got home first, as for Eren he was last in getting home. Eren was still a little bit tired and he went back to bed.

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