Chapter 12

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       "Hey Annie do you want me to walk you home today?" asked Eren while he gave her a quick kiss on her lips, as the 4th month of school came near the end. "Yeah sure, I just need to turn my jersey." said Annie, soccer season for the girls had ended.

        They ended the season with 9 wins, 2 ties, and one loss. Eren always came to support Annie along with Armin and Mikasa, and before every game he gave her a kiss for good luck. Occasionally Eren and his friends would see Bertholdt and Reiner also going to her games and supporting Annie, they didn't talk when they came across each other. Even though Eren had tried to make small talk with them but they were really blunt when they talked, eventually Mikasa and Armin told him to stop trying to talk to them.

         "Do you mind if I come with you?" Eren asked Annie, and without hesitation, she stuck out her hand and Eren gladly held it, he grasped it gently as they made their way to their hallway. Jean saw them pass by his locker and gave an annoyed look at the couple even though they didn't see him. "How the hell does someone go out with that impulsive asshole?" Jean said to Marco as he angrily shoved his supplies on his back pack. "Why do you keep saying that? He's been on the calm side since he's been going out with Annie." Marco answered. "I don't understand what's so good about him! He even has Mikasa following him around whenever Annie isn't with him." Jean said as Marco noticed that his frustration was going to get the better of him if he doesn't calm down. "Come on Jean, just let it go you don't need to get mad right now." Marco said to Jean. "Whatever, let's get outta here."


        "Is there anything you want to do today?" Eren asked Annie as he walked her home. "I have a lot of homework today, I was just thinking of getting it done, but if you want to come over that'd be fine too." said Annie, she wanted to spend time with Eren even if it was just doing homework. "Sure, I only got a few pages of homework, I can still come over though." replied Eren. "How much homework do you have?" asked Eren. "Its mostly math homework, I could have finished it in class but I got too lazy. Now I have to do it at home, but I could get it done easily." She said with a very cocky attitude. "Haha, whatever you say!" laughed Eren as he slightly shoved her. "Hey!" Annie yelled as she giggled and she shoved him back. Eren shoved her again and when Annie went to shove her back Eren picked her up and started kept walking. "Eren put me down, people are watching!" she laughed. Eren kept walking, "Nope." He said as he was still walking. "Eren!" Annie yelled. "Ugh, fine." Eren finally let her down and shoved Eren once more as soon as he let her down and both of them laughed. He knew that Annie always wanted to have the last laugh, and he didn't shove her back. They finally arrived at her house. "Do you want anything to drink?" Annie asked Eren. "No thanks I'm fine." said Eren as he started to unpack his notebook. Annie saw Eren unpacking his things as she was getting a drink out of her fridge. "Hey, umm, why don't we go to homework in my room this time? I'll meet you up there." Eren looked at her with confusing look. "Uhh yeah sure."

         Eren picked up his stuff and went to her room. He looked around her room and his first thought was "Cleanliness". It was a completely normal room, except for a trophy case she had, they were mostly soccer trophies and he saw a few MMA medals. It reminded him about how she was able to keep up with Mikasa, even though Mikasa had never taken any fighting lessons,when they fought. It was something that he always tried to forget about it, but was impossible to forget it. He would think that she would have a few posters of her favorite soccer players but there was almost nothing hanging from her walls. She had a few pictures on her desk and he smiled when he saw her as a little kid, he was surprised to see Annie taller than Bertholdt and Reiner as a little girl. She had another picture this time it was with Mina and Hitch, and she looked a little bit older but she was still shorter than Mina and Hitch. "Having fun?" Annie startled Eren, she had a smirk on her face like she was planning to scare him the entire time. "I was just looking around your room, I mean what else was I supposed to do?" asked Eren. "Your homework." responded Annie and Eren just smiled because he forgot about the homework he was supposed to be doing, so he just sat down on the floor and took his stuff out of his back pack. Annie got her stuff too and sat next to Eren, "Do you need any help with your homework?" asked Eren, he didn't want to stay quiet with her in her room because he thought it would get kind of awkward. He would much rather at least help her with her homework and keep a conversation going than just being quiet doing his own homework. "No, I could finish this in like 15 minutes, thanks for offering though." said Annie, she was happy that Eren offered to help, even though she's never received help in doing her homework from anyone else. "Eren, how long have we've been together?" asked Annie while her eyes were still in her paper. "For a few months I think, why?" responded Eren, Annie got up and she laid on her bed. "You're already finished?" Eren said in disbelief and he still wasn't finished with his. "Told ya I would finish it fast, do you need any help with yours!" Annie mocked Eren as she moved to side of the bed where Eren was, he sighed and he looked at her. She smiled and so did Eren, they looked at each other's lips and locked lips Annie's heart started beating faster and she was expecting that it would go even faster once Eren got on the bed with her. Eren pulled away after a few seconds, "I have to finish my homework." He whispered to her. "You can save it for later." she whispered back and she went for his lips once more, Eren couldn't resist her lips either and in moments he was in her bed. He had one hand on her side as he used the other hand for support as he continued kissing her. Her body was heating up from all the excitement she had going on, he legs were feeling weak, her hands went under his shirt and felt his soft skin. "Annie I don't think we should be doing this right now. We should wait a while longer." he whispered, it took a few seconds for Annie to process what Eren had said as they looked eye to eye. "Umm, no, yeah... I don't know what came over me." said Annie as her heart rate went slowly back to normal, she was disappointed but she didn't want to show it. Eren felt awkward stopping even though he was ready to do whatever happened next. "I don't want to disrespect your house or anything by, you know." said Eren as he sat up and looked down at Annie while she was laying down facing up. It made her love him more just how much of a gentlemen he was, she felt really lucky to have a guy like him. "You're right, I didn't think you'd say something like in a million years." She smiled. Eren looked at her, "What is that supposed to mean?" he sarcastically asked. "Oh, nothing." she smiled as she kissed him on his cheek. "Anyway, I should probably get going before I'm tempted to stay here with you all night." said Eren as he spoke his mind, Annie giggled and she too knew that it was for the best. Eren packed up his stuff, Annie helped too and showed him to the door, "Take care, love you." said Eren as he gave her a quick kiss in her lips and left.

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