Chapter 7

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        “Hitch!” Bertholdt scolded at her as the group was walking away from the fight scene.  “Why didn’t you stop the fight?!” Bertholdt continued yelling at her, he felt frustrated because he never seen Annie almost lose a fight. When Annie got into fights, the fight wouldn’t last long because she would drop them in less than 15 seconds. Seeing her get hurt is as almost as he’s getting hurt himself. “Calm down Bert.” Reiner told Bertholdt. “No! Annie could have gotten seriously hurt because of that fight and she didn’t even try to stop it!” He kept shouting. “Are you fucking kidding me? Did you see the way they were fighting?! They weren’t holding anything back!” Hitch yelled back. “She’s right.” said Annie. “If that girl would have gotten one hit on Hitch, we’d be on our way to the hospital.” she said. "Hey! Dont say that like I'm weak or something!" shouted Hitch. Annie had her white hoodie covered in green stains, she had grass in her hair, and her legs where bruised up and had a few scrapes with blood showing. “How can you be so calm about what just happened?” asked Reiner. Annie didn’t say anything; she just kept walking and looking ahead. “You’re lucky that there were only a few teachers on campus today. Who knows what kinds of trouble you’d be into right now"said Reiner, but Annie completly ignored him. “Where’s Mina?” asked Annie, barely noticing that she wasn’t with them. “I don’t know I texted her a while ago and she never answered.” Hitch said while double checking her phone, and then she noticed that she never sent the message. “Let’s go check inside the school to see if she’s still inside.” said Annie.

        The little group went inside the school to search for Mina, but just as they got inside, they see her walking alongside, and talking with another girl. “Who’s that?” asked Hitch. “I don’t know, let’s go get her. I want to go home and shower.” Annie said as she realized that she was really dirty when she got inside the school. They walked up to Mina and she quickly got up when she saw Annie was a mess. “Oh my God Annie!” Mina said in shock. “What happened?” she continued. “She got in to a little fight.” said Reiner like she won the fight she was just in. “Are you ok?” Mina asked taking off the little pieces of grass Annie had in her hair. “Yeah, I’m fine. I wanna go home and take a shower so hurry up and let’s go.” Annie said to her making her wrap things up with her new acquaintance. “Um, alright. Bye Sasha, I hope you find your friend, looks like my friend found me instead haha.” Mina said as she hurried over to Annie. “Yeah, ok bye! Text me so we can hang out!” Sasha said to Mina as she walked with her friends. “Who was that?” asked Hitch while they walked out the front doors of the school. “Oh, that was Sasha. She was looking for her friend and I told her that I was looking for my friends too and we started looking together, but then we started talking about other stuff and we starting walking around.” Mina explained, making their way to her car. “Didn’t you get Hitch’s text?” asked Bertholdt. “About that…” Hitch said nervously. “I kinda forgot to send It.” she said, hoping she wouldn't get another annoying scolding. “You’re hopeless.” Annie smiled. “What’s with the sudden change of mood?” asked Hitch. Annie realized noticed her sudden mood change as well and tried to hide it. “I-Its nothing.” said Annie, putting her hood over her head. They finally got to Mina’s car, Annie got to the front passenger seat first, as if already claiming it from the beginning. “Hey you guy need a ride?” Mina asked Reiner and Bertholdt. “Na, we’re good. We kinda want to walk home today.” said Reiner. “But if it rains again, it won’t be our fault.” Hitch said from the back seat. “We’ll be fine, thanks for worrying about us Hitch.” Reiner teased Hitch. “You should worry about us more often.” Reiner continued teasing Hitch. “Shut it Reiner, and don’t get used to It.” said Hitch.


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