Twenty Two - "You could've told me.."

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(Selena's POV)

"Selena don't look at me like that.. I didn't kill anyone.. well, kinda-"

"What!? W-who are you?! Are you in a gang? Or-or are you some murderer?! Oh my God, do you sell drugs?!" I yelled.

"Selena, shh! I didn't murder anyone, I don't sell drugs, and I'm not in a gang!" He yelled back. I sighed in relief and bent my head backwards.

"I.. when I lost you, I didn't want to.. do you know what I mean?"

"Yeah.." I said unsurely, not knowing where he was going with this.

"Well, I- I couldn't handle knowing that I was hurting someone id loved. I hurt you in so many ways. You needed me and I wasn't there.. you were already being hurt physically. I was an ass. I didn't know how to take all of your hurt back. the only way I thought of was to hurt myself.. And so I did. I'd done it all, and I still didn't feel better. I still felt guilty and I still hurt you. I felt as if the only thing to make your life easier was for me to be gone. Gone forever, and you wouldn't ever see me again. And so I tried... I tried killing myself. I tried three different times. The first, I couldn't go down with it. The second, I was caught. The third, I tried again. There was a- a building and I remember being so close. I was so close to going through with it but he pulled me back. Brandon.. h-he saved me and I never thanked him. I screamed and yelled at him. " He told me. He looks up from the table to see me staring at him. I was almost in tears.

"You could've told me.." I murmured quietly.

"I know, but I-"

"Don't. Don't ever think of doing that again, don't even think about what happened. " i blurt out.


"No! I won't allow you to think about it! I'm here now and it's gonna stay that way forever I swear it!" I yelled loudly. I see everyone look at us but I don't care. " I promise." I whisper. Our eyes are glued and he doesn't say anything.

"Good." He blurts out and jumps from his seat. He gave me into his arms and hold me tight against his chest. I wrap my small arms around his neck and hug him tightly.

"I love you so much" he says into my ear weakly.

"I love you too." I whisper. I feel a tear fall onto my cheek and I can't think of anything else except him. I feel his arms pulls away from my waist and he looks down at me.

"W-we should get going. " he says awkwardly, as people were watching us.

"W-we didn't eat."

"We'll get something on the way home." he sighs.

"Okay." I said, I hurry to grab his hand and he's surprised by the act. We walk away from our table and Justin talks to the man at the desk for a minute or so.

"Thanks." I hear Justin say and he starts to walk. I walk with him and I feel him curl his fingers around mine which triggers me to smile.

Now we're in his car, but we're still holding each others hands.

"Selena," he says my name.

"Justin." I say his.

"You're so beautiful, do you know that?"

"I've heard it a few times before." I smile jokingly at him.

"Oh haha, funny." he laughs.

"Well apparently since you laughed." I giggle.

"Oh shut up." he said smiling. I join his contagious smile and look up at him.

"Thank you." I say.

"For what? Telling you a sob story?" He laughs dryly.

"No, for telling me how you felt. I would've never guessed that was how you felt when we lost each other.." I explain.



"So... Sense you had a good time- I suppose you owe me something?" He asks, looking down at me with a smug look on his gorgeous face.

"I don't believe so." I joke.

"Well I believe I get a kiss?" He says.

"Oh yeah?" I lean closer to him.

"Yeah." he agrees, leaning his face closed to mine. His eyes look down at my lips.

I grin wide and pull his face towards mine, kissing him passionately. he smiles in the kiss and kisses back, one of his hands holds my cheek firmly.

He parts our lips for a second and whispers to me softly-

"I love you Selena Marie."


This could've been a way better chapter but frankly I'm not in any mood to be a good writer.

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