The kid is a villain...

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Aizawa's POV:

I jumped out of the window fully aware that the kid might still be in the room. I had a feeling that he was only hiding. Just judging by how weak he was there was no way he could have managed the jump and then ran away in time.

This was why I went to the backdoor of our house and waited there. Since Mic was in the house, I was sure that the kitten wouldn't take the front door. No one would do that besides that I had a pretty good feeling that he was very clever.

It was not for long that I was waiting in front of the door that the door opened and I was meet with a scared green bean. He also immediately backed away and fell down as he did. The poor boy was completely out of breath and siting on the ground. I could see Mic coming from behind me.

Me: Problem child...

I went to his side and crouched in front of him putting a hand on his shoulder. The reaction I got worried me. He immediately backed away and flinched by the touch.

Me: I won't hurt you.

He looked soo scared and his behavior reminded me of a stray cat. My husband came over to me and he was also careful to be in his visible side and went behind me.

Mic: Are you okay, little listener? Did you hurt yourself?

He was shaking and looking at us as if he was done for life.

Me: Zashi go and get me a blanket.

Mic: On the way Sho.

Once he left I tried getting closer to him but all he did was back away until he started coughing a little bit. I knew that the situation was way to stressing him and the more stressed he is the worsen his health will get.

Me: Is it okay if I pick you up?

He looked like he was a little bit shocked and scared at first but I could see him calming down and trying to get his breathing back to normal. After a moment of silent he finally calmed down and looked up at me.

Kid: ...Izuku...


Is this his name?

It is a nice name but why would someone abandoned a poor boy like him.

I know that he is quirkless but that doesn't matter at all!

He is still a kid!

He can't do anything about it!

It's not his fault.

Me: Izuku, can I pick you up?

Izuku: ... yes...

After he told me the okay, I picked him up and he was still shacking like a leaf but his breathing was back to normal at least. Seeing as he just broke the window and tried to escape from out gest room, I was sure to not let him stay in a room by himself for now.

It was not that bad of an escape plan!

Still breaking a window sure is not the best thing you did.


At least you calmed down and are unharmed.

I began carrying him towards the couch in our living room and out him down there. Mic came over to us and out a blanket over him before going to the kitchen and came back with 3 cups in his hand.

Mic: A coffee for you Sho, hot chocolate for you little listener and a coffee for me too.

Izuku: Thanks.

He accepted the warm drink and took a sip from it. Both of us smiled at him. The scared kitten finally calmed down. Me and Zashi were both relieved to have found him and that he was not injured from the broken glass. We could easily replace the window but RG told us how fragile he was and that she was not able to heal him at all. His body was simply not strong enough for her quirk.

Me: Say kitten, my name is Shota Aizawa and this is my husband Hizashi Yamada.

Mic: But please call us whatever you want.

Izuku: Izuku Midoriya

Mic: What a nice name little listener. Can I call you Zuzu?

A small node from him.

Me: Were you kidnapped?

Mic: SHO! That's not something you ask immediately.

Me: We need to know if he has family or not.

Mic: You think he has a family after what RG told us.

Izuku: I have.

Me: He might have one.

Mic: And you want to return him to them after they left him and not even reported the small little fella?

Me: No. I will make sure they end up behind bars.

Mic: Sho, you can't do that! We don't even know if he has some or not?

Izuku: I do...

Me: See he has one!

Mic: Oh of fucking course he has some.

Me: I'ma hunt them down! How could they just abandon you!

Mic: Wait you do?

Izuku: Never abandoned me.

Mic: What do you mean little listener?

Me: Are you saying that these villains were taking care of you?

Izuku: ... yes...

Mic: Were they taking good care of you?

Izuku: Saved me.

Me: Can you tell us what happened?

Izuku: I lived on the streets before they found me and took me in.

Mic: Wait but that means you are a villain too, little listener?

Me: No. The term villain is just overrated and used way too much. I don't think ever hurt someone.

Izuku: ...

Mic: What were you doing with the villains?

Izuku: Family.

Me: Did you do something illegal?

Mic: Sho! Stop it!

Me: It is an eligible question.

Izuku: Hacking.

Me: ... Hacking... I think you might have fun spending some time with Nezu.

Mic: Oh please no!

Me: What? He will be thrilled to see what Izuku can do and I am sure they both will have some fun.

Mic: Sho please do you want the world to end? Nezu is only looking for someone to do it together with.

Me: Only one way to find out anyways.

Mic: Say Zuzu, were they treating you well?

Izuku: Yeah.

Mic: *relieved exhale* good. You deserve a good live.

Me: It's decided then!

Mic: Yes it is.

Me: You are our kid now.

After that we ordered some pizza and spend some time together watching some crime series before we all fell asleep on the couch together.

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