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The mask I got from Power Loader really helped me a lot. It made breathing a lot easier. After my recovery Aizawa made sure that me and Tomura where in his class. However I felt bad for Tomura. He looked so much out of place. Not only that but he also looked like he didn't liked it at all. I couldn't blame him, I didn't like it in the class too.

They all looked as if they were only here to be a hero to get money. No one of them besides Tokoyami came over to me. He told me that Dark Shadow his quirk could smell blood on me and that he wanted to make sure that I was okay.

Thanks to that I somehow gained a new friend in class. Aizawa saw that and gave us the chance to sit close to each other. I spend all my time with either my family or Tokoyami and Dark Shadow.

Today was different though.

Me: Shiggy...

Shiggy: What is it?

Me: I feel like suffocating right now.

I was in the class room with every single hero in training and my brother sitting behind me. The whole atmosphere felt toxic today and I had my mask on but it was still hard to breath. I could hear the rumors and I hated them. They were all centered around Shiggy. I felt terrible.

Shiggy: How about we go out for a little bit, little titan?

Me: Yeah...

There was a reason for Shiggy sitting behind me and Tokoyami beside me. However Bakugo was the one that was sitting in front of me and he didn't liked me one bit.

Bakugo: Ohh so the villains are on the move huh!

Tokoyami: Leave him alone! You know as much as everyone else here that he is sick!

Shiggy: Wanna die today NPC?!

Bakugo: Bring it on Extra!

I could see both of them standing up and throwing the chair behind them. They both were ready to jump at each other's throat. That was when Tokoyami decided to get me out of the situation. He was however not the only one.

Aizawa: Tokoyami, get Izuku out. Everyone else follow me to ground beta. You think he doesn't deserve to be here and prove your skills to me. Cause all I see is a bunch of heroes wanna be with some potential but no real motivation.

Just like that Tokoyami brought me outside and we set on the ground close by shaded tree.

Tokoyami: You feeling better?

Me: A little bit. Thank you.

Tokoyami: No problem. It was Dark Shadow who told me to get you out.

Me: Thanks!

I went ahead and gave the dark entity some pats on its head before we both decided to go back and just relax in the class room. It was just as two and all we did was really nothing. I felt really tired so I leaned on my desk and kinda fell asleep while Tokoyami was watching over me.

When I woke up, Shiggy was sitting in front of me where Bakuo would sit and sleeping too. He looked tired and I could see some small bandages on him.

This is all my fault!

I know that you never wanted to be here!

I am so sorry for making you join a hero course!

I know how much you hate them.

This is all my fault!

If only I didn't existed....

I felt bad. Not only was I the reason Shiggy came for me and got caught but also the reason for him to attend a hero school and be a hero in training.

I couldn't stand the thought of him being unhappy here and also being treated so badly by everyone besides Eraserhead, Mic, RG and Nezu. It felt wrong for me.

Seeing as he was asleep and no one was in the room with me this was the best choice I could do. I decided to stand up and just walk out of the school. It was surprisingly easy and once I was out, I went towards the next abandoned building I knew and on the rooftop of it.

The whole area around UA or more like the whole city was something I knew pretty ground. I knew my way around even if I never walked outside for long. However for the sake of the LOV I did learn every single street and made it my busyness knowing where streets lead to as well as gathering as much information as I could.

I was currently on the roof, quickly putting my shoes beside and walking towards the edge. There was no doubt in my movements at all and yet the moment I was about to jump, I was being hugged from behind me. It surprised me soo much that I just force.

Dabi: Don't do it.

Me: Da-Dabs?

Dabi: Don't turn around. Just stay like this for a while.

Me: Why?

I was completely tearing up once again. I couldn't understand why they would do something like this at all. Not only that but I felt so tired of going on and being the reason for them to get caught.

Dabi: Why? Izu, you are my brother!

Me: Dabs... *hic*

Dabi: It's okay.

He let go of me only to turn me around and huging me even more.

Dabi: I would never let you do something like this! This was why Shiggy went ahead to stop you. WE thought you would be okay with him. So why... Why are you doing this?

Me:*hic* It's all my fault!*hic*

Dabi: Nothing is your fault!

Me: It is!*hic*

Dabi: Let's go back to the base. AfO want to see you too. He missed you.

Me: ...*hic*

Dabi: It's okay. Come on, stop crying. I want to see your smile. It suits you a lot more.

Me: *hic*

He let go of me and took me by the hand as if I was a little boy. To be honest I might even looked like one in that moment. I was so confused and disappointed in myself. This was the only reason I let him do whatever he wanted to me. There was also not many things I could have done with such a weak body like mine.

I watched Dabi call for Mamagiri and we both went through a portal.

Uncertainty was all I could think of. My thoughts were all over the place from why they stopped me to what a failure I really am and I deserved to die. Each and every thought brought me back to one thing. They all told me the same thing.

I didn't deserve to live at all. Such a quirkless reject even an abomination of nature shouldn't have lasted so long. All I do was keeping the others down. I was keeping them from full filing their destiny. 

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