Once me and Dabi went through the portal, both of us were in front of UA.
Dabi: It's okay, Izu. I am here with you.
Me: But what if -
Dabi: Don't!
Me: What?
Dabi: You are thinking too much Izu.
Me: Am I?
Dabi: Yes. We all love you and this is our choice. We gave up our previous live because we wanted it.
Me: But what if-
Dabi: No. They will accept you.
Me: How did you-
Dabi: Know? Izu, you are thinking way too much!
Me: I guess so.
He took my hand and pulled me behind me and this was how he lead me to the house, I was staying with Shiggy and Aizawa.
Dabi: AfO made me know the whole UA blueprint. I have a feeling he was already planning that I would stay with you.
Me: Possible. But you sure you want t-
Dabi: Izu don't worry about us! We are here because we all want to be here!
He didn't even gave me a moment to prepare for what is happening next and just knocked on the door. It was Shiggy who opened it and immediately jumped tackled me into a hug.
Shiggy: Titan!
Me: Shiggy...
Shiggy: Do you even have a clue on how worried I as after you just used a cheat code and disappeared on me?
Me: I am sorry.
At first he hugged me but shortly after that he looked at me and I was getting scolded for a moment but I knew that I was deserving every single bit of that scolding. I did after all just went out of the room slwoly and carefully as not to wake him up.
After that small exchange, I could see Aizawa and Mic on the door both had a cup of coffee in their hand. They both looked relieved and exhausted at the same time. I knew that they were worried too and they were just playing it cool in order not to freak me out.
Aizawa: Good to have you back kitten!
Mic: Oh another listener! This family is only growing and I love it! Sho, let's keep him!
Aizawa: You ready to protect my little kitten?
Dabi: kitten?
Shiggy: He means our little titan!
Dabi: You mean our little phoenix!
Aizawa: Yep, we keep him!
Mic: Let's get all inside!
We went inside and spend the rest of the day watching a movie.
If I was never born quirkless then I would have never meet them.
If only I never was chased by the gang away from my hiding place then I would have never went in and found AfO.
If only we never planned that attack on Endeavors agency then I would have never met Dabi..
If only...
My live surely would have looked different if only things went different.
If live would have let me die then maybe Shiggy and Dabi would have never meet.
They probably would have been villains.
Soo many probabilities and yet everything turned out great.
How lucky I am for having these people with me!
I am sure grateful for them to just accept me no matter what!
They are my family!
We stick together!
It was clear to me that both of my brother were there in order to protect me. As hard as it was to just accept that fact, I knew that it was their live and Dabi had a point. I never asked them to be with me and yet here they all were protecting and carrying for me.
After that event, me and my new family lived on the UA grounds. I was attending the hero class but only in theory whit both Dabi and Shiggy. It was hard to believe but Shiggy and Dabi ended up being really good heroes. The three years we spend in school together was something else for me and even know they would stick with me.
Aizawa and Mic were still looking out for us and we also were still on the UA ground. Since my health wasn't the best for being a hero, Nezu came up for an alternative for me. Not only did I became a teacher and teaching together with my own father but I was also called in for making some plans for the heroes if they needed to take care of big shots.
AfO and Kurogir were true to their words and stopped by now and then or we would simply disappear for hours together and spend some quality time with our second family.
All in all I managed to get back on my feet and out of the deep hole I was spiraling down. They were all there for me when I needed them the most and I was so happy for that. After all 3 years I have learned to accept everything and be grateful.
If I could change anything from my past than I wouldn't do it no matter what. I knew my past was sad but I found my place and a family I never thought I would have.
A/N: Thanks for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it too!

If only...
FanfictionQuirkless doesn't mean useless but because of how quirkless kids are being treated they often end up dead.. Izuku Midoriya is a kid that was born quirkless. Once his parents found out about this, they immediatelly abandoned him and threw him out on...