Chapter IV: New Group

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Miguel sighs. He stands behind a podium. "Look, President Doughnut Trumpet..." said Miguel. "I'm not that bright... But I do know that uniting our nations together would benefit the oppressed! It's only best for your nation to be part of ours! My nation for example had been suffering under the hands of colonists way back in the past."

"Is that not what you're also trying to do, President JoJo?" asked Doughnut. "Are you not trying to invade our nation as well just as our ancestors did yours?"

Behind him is the American Flag in its glorious purpose.

"What!? No!"

"You're being rather hypocritical, there, Miguel JoJo."

"I am not an oppressor!"

"Yes, you are!" Doughnut slams the table. "You are a violator of this country's rights and you know it!"

"How dare you! Everything I've ever done was to remove crime and oppression in all eight worlds!"

"You're a murderer in your own right, JoJo. That's what you are. A murderer. You run around killing people you think deserve to be killed. Do you think you're a hero? You're not, Miguel JoJo. You're an absolute murderer. Let's not forget about that controversial and heated battle you had with beloved Superhero Lord Marvel."

"I've told you my statement and we both agreed that we fought over personal matters. No one was killed in our fight."

"No one is killed yet. I tell you, Miguel JoJo. And I tell you this now. You're going to kill innocent people because of what you've done in the past. And nothing's going to stop that truth."

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!" yelled Miguel.

The audience gasps.

"Go fuck yourself, JoJo. You're no different than the colonizers your countries call 'white pieces of shit.' You're a hypocrite. That's all I can say."


"Either you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. That's all I could say."

Miguel slams the podium.

The two start screaming at each other.

Kariel struggles to open a pringle jar.

"So... basically..." said Miguel to Dark. "We've got an assassin who won't talk at all."

Kariel pinches Miguel's sleeve as Miguel turns to him. "Right," said Miguel. He grabs the pringle jar as he pulls the cover out.


It pops open.

Kariel blushes and hugs Miguel's arm. Miguel sighs and pats Kariel's head.

"He's your brother?" asked Dark.

"Yes. A 31-year-old who still wants to get spoiled by his older brother," Miguel sighed, squinting his eyes.

"Hey!" yelled Kariel. "I'm not spoiled!"

"Right..." sighed Miguel. "...and Mom didn't make your food until you were ten."

"I couldn't cook!"

"The food was take-out."

"Alright! Alright! Both of you calm down!" sighed Dark. "We should all know that you two are brothers and you should both love each other. Or be lovers. I don't know... Not judging. Just do realize that I am a man of great tastes."

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