What happens if vali Lucifer was not the welder of the sacred gear Divine dividing, but instead a random lazy teen who has no knowledge of the supernatural world. awakens it in a life or death situation against a black monstrous serpent. follow Kor...
Kori said in an Serious tone as he puts on a blue hoodie, black pants, and black shoes. Before leaving the apartment
Albion: ( do be careful anything can happen )
Albion said warning kori as he finds an alleyway to use his sacred gear, before flying high up into the sky. Going to issei's meet up location with the stray fallen angel
<timeskip to issei POV>
????: " hi! Do you want a pamphlet? "
The girl that has bat ears and wearing an costume said which issei took, as he look at it before reading it in his head
Issei: ( your wishes can be granted )
Issei said in his head as he look back up to see the female cosplayer gone, he sigh before putting the small pamphlet in his pocket's. Before walking to the location to meet up with Yumma
After 6 minutes of walking he arrived at the park as he said
Issei: ( hopefully I look good )
Issei thought as he fixes his shirt as he stand by the fountain area, waiting for his date to arrived. Which she did an minute later making issei's blush of how pretty Yumma is
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Yumma: " did I take too long issei? I hope not "
Yumma said as she stood in front of issei who is blushing
Issei: " no no you didn't, so....shall we go? "
Issei said as he hold his hand out for Yumma to take which she did, as she pulled issei to where their date will be. Which was the movies that she planned as the walk took around 10 minutes to the nearest theater
Once they arrived issei immediately payed for the tickets and snacks for him and Yumma, who smiled in enjoyment as they walk into one of the rooms. That is showcasing The Nun as they sat in their seats
Yumma: " this movie will be so scary issei..... "
Yumma said as she pulled issei arms into her breast making him blush, as he chuckles with Yumma leaning in closer. As they share the big bag of popcorn with two large sodas, with their snacks of mulch crunch's and M&M's
Issei: " yup I heard that this is the number one Horror movie in the whole world right now, this will be really scary "
Issei said trying to put up a brave front and make small chat before the movie starts, which Yumma commented as well. Before putting mulch crunch's in their Huge bag of popcorn, after that she lean back into issei's arm. Making issei smile as he laid his head back once the movie started, enjoying the date with his first girlfriend